Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV:
I woke up and quickly remembered what happened. I sat up to see that I was in a bedroom that was not mine. Was that a dream? Or did I really just see Michael Jackson!!! I got out of bed and quietly tiptoed in a hallway. Am I in Josep- or Michael's apartment? I heard soft singing.

"My life will never be the same,
'Cause girl you came and changed
The way I walk..."

I walked into the kitchen to see the man's back to me making dinner, he sounded just like Michael.
"The way i talk..." I sang back to him. Again he jumped a little, "gosh Olivia your gonna give me a heart attack." He laughed. He still wasn't facing me. "You woke up just in time, I'm almost done making dinner." He spoke. "What happened?" I asked walking closer to him. "You fainted." He said. "Can you please look at me?" I asked. He sighed, "alright but promise me you won't faint again." "I promise." He slowly turned around and there he was, my idol, my inspiration, my everything, Michael Jackson!! I gasped and covered my mouth I felt like I was about to cry. "Oh my god!" I said still in shock. "I thought you were dead!" I freaked out. "Everyone does, I just couldn't handle the media anymore, they were doing everything in their power to ruin my name." He sighed "I just don't want you to be my friend because I'm Michael Jackson, I want you to be my friend because of me as a person." "Michael of course I'm not gonna be your friend just because your Michael Jackson, it's clear that I became your friend before you revealed yourself right?" "Yeah." He said. "Then there ya go, I liked you before I knew you were Michael Jackson." I said reassuringly. "you just have to promise me you won't tell anyone!" He panicked. "Of course! I promise!" I said. He sighed in relief "I trust you." I smiled "I trust you too." But then I remember his children! "What about your kids?" I asked. He sighed sadly "they live with Katherine but we visit each other occasionally, I can't live with them because the media and fans are always after them and they would see me." He had a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. "It's alright, now let's eat dinner"

After we ate dinner and cleaned up the dishes it was time for me to go. "I still can't believe your alive Michael!" I chuckled. "Yeah I don't blame you." He chuckled back. I looked down feeling sad I had to leave. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm just sad I have to go back home, I wish I could stay with you." He paused and gave it thought. "You can come over anytime you like, you can even sleep here if you want." My face lit up. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I asked shyly. "I said anytime you like didn't I?" I quickly got excited "I'm just gonna grab some stuff from upstairs I'll be right back!" I said. "Ok" he replied and I headed to the elevator.

When I got to my apartment fear ran through me once again. I hope he's not awake. But when I opened the door I saw something much worse, I saw my father sitting on the floor crying, blood everywhere with my dead mother in his arms. I felt my world shatter into a million pieces. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" My father sobbed but I was too horrified to listen. I called 911 and the police and ambulance were at my apartment right away. They arrested my father and took my mother to the hospital. I was once again left alone in the apartment blood everywhere.

Michael came into my apartment. "Oh my gosh Olivia!" I was too broken to answer I just sat on the floor looking at my mother's blood. He hugged me "Olivia look at me." He said but I couldn't hear him. He sat on the floor with me for hours as I sobbed.

I had fallen asleep in his arms while crying. I woke up in the bedroom I woke up in earlier. My eyes felt puffy from all the crying. I looked at the clock, it was 8:22pm. I got up and walked to the living room. Michael looked up from a book he was reading. "Your awake!" He quickly came over to me and hugged me. "I thought meeting Michael Jackson would be the best day of my life..." I said my voice breaking. I couldn't cry anymore, it felt like I had ran out of tears. 

just then there was a knock at the door. "It's the police open up!"  Michael put on his mask and walked to the door. When he opened the door I heard "is Olivia Wilson here?" I walked to the door "yes officer I'm here." He looked at me and he kneeled down so he was my height. "Olivia I'm sorry to tell you that your mother passed away at 6:56pm on March 25 2017 Monday." I guess I was wrong I still had some tears because I began to cry once again. "Your father has been arrested and will be in jail for 5 years." The tears wouldn't stop and I couldn't even speak. "Do you have anyone you can stay with? A grandparent, aunt or uncle? If not you will have to go to a foster home." I cry even harder and nod my head no. "Wait... officer can she stay with me?" I hear Michael ask. "Hm... do you have your ID? Are you related to her in anyway?" The officer asked. "I'm not related to her but we're family friends and yes I have ID." Michael said. "Show me your ID and we'll do a background check, if your good to go yes you may be her legal guardian but for now Olivia must come with me." The officer said. I looked at Michael scared. "Everything will be ok." He reassured me and gave me a hug, I looked into his eyes one more time and then went with the police officer.

I sat at the police station where I was told to wait while they do a background check on Michael. Did Michael give them his real ID??? The officer came back "it looks like Joseph is good to go, he is now your legal guardian. Also I'm sorry for your loss." He said. He said Joseph so I guess not... "Thank you..." I didn't know whether to be happy I was going to live with Michael or be sad my mother died, I felt both at the same time and it was rather confusing. "I'm going to call him now so he can pick you up." The officer said and walked away.

A few minutes later Michael walked into the station with his mask on and we went to his limo. There was an awkward silence but then I broke it, "you didn't give him your real ID?" I asked. "No I have two ID's one as Michael Jackson, one as Joseph Clerk. They're both  my real ID, its what I use now a days if I ever need to give an ID. I legally changed my name to Joseph Clerk, luckily I had a friend who did it for me so no one but you and my close friends and family know the truth." He said. "Can I still call you Michael though?" I asked unsure. "Yes of course!"

When we got to the apartment building we went to my apartment to grab my stuff, the crime seen had been cleaned up so everything looked back to normal. I packed my clothes, school work, drawings everything and we went back down to Michael's apartment. "You don't have to go to school tomorrow Olivia, you've had a rough day." I simply nodded not really feeling like talking. But then I got a call, "hello?" I asked weakly. "Olivia, your going to regret calling the police on me, do you hear me? Once I get out of here I'm coming for you..." the call ended.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

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