Chapter 6

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Olivia's POV:
"What the hell is going on?!!" I screamed at Bill. "Th- this man held a gun to my back when I knocked on Mr. Jackson's door!" He panicked. "I'm not being left home again! Take me to the hospital, now!!!" He just nodded and we ran to the limo.

When we got to the hospital we ran to the front desk. "We're looking for Joseph Clerk." Bill told the woman at the desk. "He's in room 42 upstairs." She said in a friendly voice. Bill and I rushed to his room, once we got there we knocked. "Come in." We heard a woman say. We walk in and saw Michael in the hospital bed asleep. "He'll be awake soon, luckily the bullet didn't hit any of his organs. So he'll be just fine." The nurse smiled and left the room.

I walked over to Michael and gently touched his hand. He was slowly waking up. "Oh Michael... this is all my fault! I bet you wish you never met me..." I said feeling so guilty. "This isn't your fault Olivia... and I'm so happy I met you... I was so lonely in my apartment, being alone all the time..." he whispered. He tried to sit up but groaned in pain. "Don't move Michael... just lay down." I told him. He did as he was told.

"Wait... how did they not recognize you??" I asked. He chuckled "I over heard them saying how I looked a lot like Michael Jackson before I passed out so I just told them I was an impersonator and I got a bunch of plastic surgery to look just like him. They believed it." Even Bill chuckled a little. Michael frowned and looked at Bill. "What happened Bill?" Michael asked rather angrily. "I'm so sorry Mr. Jackson... I knocked on your door and then that man held a gun to my back. I really didn't know what to do..." Bill said looking at the floor sounding very terrible. "It's alright Bill... but you couldn't stop by KFC on your way to the hospital?" Michael joked. Bill and I laughed. After our laughter died down I remembered the text I had received before Michael was shot.

"Michael..." I said in a serious tone. "Yeah?" He asked. I pulled out my phone. "Look at this text I received before you were shot." I handed him my phone and he read the text. "Do you think shooting you was the 'little favour'?" I panicked. Michael frowned, "I honestly don't know Olivia... we should tell the police you got this threat." Michael said in a concerned voice. "What if he comes back for me?" I asked scared. "I won't let that happened Olivia, don't worry we'll get you some bodyguards ok?" I nodded my head. I felt guilty, everyone's life is in danger because my father is after me. "Don't feel bad Olivia, none of this is your fault." Michael said as if he just read my mind. He sat up wincing at the pain. "Come here.." he said I walked over to him, I sat on the chair next to his hospital bed and rested my head on his chest.

"Smile though your heart is aching....
Smile even though it's breaking...
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by..." he softly sang.

"Everything will be ok..." he whispered in my ear.

Just then a nurse came into the room. "Alright Mr.Clerk, everything looks ok, no broken bones or internal bleeding, your free to leave." She smiled. "Thank you..." Michael said. "I guess the guy didn't have very good aim." Bill chuckled.

On our way to the police station in the limo, Michael was looking at my arms. "What?" I asked. "Your always wearing long sleeves now..." he stated. "Oh... yeah..." I said nervously. Michael frowned. "Olivia." He said in a serious tone. "Yes?" I asked as if I didn't know what he was about to ask. "Lift up your sleeve." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Why not?" He answered. "Because I'm cold....?" Really? Cold? It's April in California. "It's April in California." Michael said just what I was thinking. I sighed and lifted my sleeve to revile all my cuts. Michael's eyes watered, "when did you start?" He asked afraid to know the answer. "When my mom died..." I whispered. I looked at the floor there was silence. Was he mad? He's gonna yell at me... but instead I felt Michael wrap his arms around me. He cried "why?" I shook my head "I was just so sad." Tears also filling my eyes. "Why didn't you talk to me Olivia... I'm here for you! You don't deserve those cuts sweetie.... please, promise me you won't ever do it again, you don't know how scary it is knowing you cut yourself, I don't ever want to lose you." He spoke with so much care in his voice. I looked up at him and into his eyes. he's all I have... he's the only one who's ever cared for me this much. I nodded my head "I promise." Michael smiled and wiped both our tears "good."

"Here we are..." Bill said in a sad tone. I guess he was listening. Michael put on his mask before we got out of the limo. Once again I was at the police station. When we walked in Michael went to the front desk. "Hi, we'd like to report a threat that we received through text message, also I was shot earlier so we'd also like to report that." I giggled at how casually Michael said 'also I was shot earlier.' "Alright, can I have your ID?" The police officer asked. Michael took out his Joseph Clerk ID and gave it to the officer. She looked at it then raised an eyebrow at Michael. "I'm an impersonator..." Michael said and the police officer nodded. "Alright you can wait over there and we'll have an investigator  with you shortly."

When we sat in the waiting area I saw a girl around my age crying. Me and Michael looked at each other and I walked over to her. "Hey... are you ok?" I asked and walked slowly as if approaching an injured animal. She looked up, "no..." she said trying to wipe her tears. "I'm sorry, I'm a mess..." she sniffled. "No no it's alright." I sat next to her. "May I ask what's wrong? Maybe talking about it will help." She looked into my eyes. "My mom was shot today... they're doing an investigation." She said. I lifted up my necklace "my mom passed away a week ago as well." She looked at my necklace "may I ask how?" She said. I nodded my head, "my father killed her." She had a look of shock in her face. "I- I'm so sorry." She stuttered. "It's alright..." she had stopped crying. "My name's Charlotte." She said. "Olivia." I gave her a polite smile. "I like your name." We said at the same time, then giggled. I took out my phone "what's your phone number? I think we can be great friends." I stated. She gave me her phone number and it was time for me and Michael to go with the investigator. "I'll text you later Charlotte." I waved and followed behind Michael and the officer.

"That was very kind of you." Michael whispered to me. I smiled realizing that I may have made that girl's day at least a little better.

The police officer took us to a room where we sat down. We showed him the text I received and described how Michael was shot. After we were done explaining he put down his clip board where he had been writing notes. "Oh Olivia..." he had an evil smile, the next thing I knew he pulled out a gun and shot me... everything went black.

Hey guys thanks for all the support on this story, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)

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