Chapter 6

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DID I ART GOOD? I ship Medusa and Blind Female, so I did an art.

The girls finally finished laughing, and got a little more serious.

"So, what do you need? I guessing you didn't all come to sing 'Kumbaya' and dance around a campfire." Orca said, picking herself off the ground, "'Cause that would be fun and all, but I'm guessing you're here to find out more about me."

"We need to bring you back to our hide out, and see if you are a threat or not." Kaldur said, surprised by the sarcasm.

"Sure. I got nothing else to do with my day... WAIT!" Orca answered, throwing her hands out, and startling the team once more, "What about Annabeth? I'm not going anywhere without Annabeth."

"That's alright as long as you where blindfolds so you don't find our secret base." Aqualad said, heading towards the Bioship, which was somehow behind them.

"Nuh-uh. You might be able to get us on a plane, but we are NOT going blindfolded. I would prefer not to be shot out of the sky." Annabeth said, waving her arms around. Percy stood behind her, nodding in agreement.

"Just don't go by the windows, and you should be fine. Besides, I'm pretty sure Zeus won't strike his champion out of the sky." KF comforted, trying to keep the couple from blowing up a city. (Which had happened before)

"Alright." They said, nervously getting in behind the team.

"I'm huuungrrry." Kid Flash groaned loudly, annoying everyone else.

A sudden projectile smashed into his face, finally shutting him up. When he looked at the mysterious projectile, he was pleased to find it was a box of cereal.

"Shut up," Annabeth whisper screamed, "She's trying to sleep."

Sure enough, Percy was lightly dozing on Annabeth's lap, while she was twirling Percy's hair in her fingers.

"Where'd the cereal come from? As far as I know, Kid Idiot's eaten everything we had." Artemis questioned.

"Well, we were blessed by the gods."  Annabeth said, as if talking to a two year old.

Artemis was about to retort back when Miss Martian called them, saying they landed. After a little bit of waiting, Percy was awoken, and she and Annabeth exited the ship.

They were led to an interrogation room, where Batman was waiting. 

"So, we have looked for any files on your name, and none exist. Why is that?"

"Well, you see I erased all proof of my existence from everywhere. Ask Wonder Woman my name, and it might ring a bell, but not provide any answers." Percy replied mysteriously.

"Check 'Annabeth Chase'." Annabeth said bluntly.

One single file popped up, and it seemed to be encrypted. The computer un-encrypted it, and read it out loud.

"Annabeth Chase. Prime suspect for the identity of Orca. Pipe and water levels spiked at time of supposed death. Previously a kidnapping victim multiple times, and was spotted by the Empire State Building during the great sleep, and was spotted whenever a freak storm tore through Greece or Rome. Was a prime suspect when her lover 88888 8888888 went missing, but mysterious circumstances occurred and she was proven innocent. See after the explosions terrorists created at The St Louis Arch, Meriwether Prep, Goode High school, and many others. Was spotted across Europe with 5-6 others, who are all now deceased."

"Well Nico's still alive, but yeah, that's the mortal view on it." Annabeth confirmed.

"Except the pipes. That was me." Percy added, "but at least I did a good job on erasing everything else."

"So you are terrorists turned good?" Batman asked, getting in a slightly more defensive stance.

"No, we're demigods, and mortals are absolutely blind."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

Percy had an odd look on her face, "How do we know you not-"

"- going to experiment on us?" Annabeth finished, while checking on her nails.

"Fair enough. Would you like to be a part of the Young Justice team?" Batman offered, shutting down the computer.

"You mean so you could keep your eye on us? We accept." Annabeth said, poking Percy since she was falling asleep.

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure."

Robin entered the room, "I'll lead you to the living room."

They were all sitting around on the couches, when Miss Martian got an idea.

"How about we sit in a circle and say our names and something we enjoy so we can get to know each other!"

They sat in a circle, and Miss Martian started, since it was her idea.

"My name is Miss Martian, or Megan, and I love baking!"

"My name is Kid Flash, or Wally, and I love food."

"My name is Artemis, and I love archery."

"My name is Orca, or Percy, and I love Annabeth."

"My name is Annabeth, and I love Percy"

(Cue the awww's)

"My name is Superboy, or Conner, and I like watching static."

"My name is Robin, and I like hacking."

"My name is Aqualad, or Kaldur, and I love the ocean."

The group sat in awkward silence for a moment, until everyone went their own way, with Percy and Annabeth talking about life without each other.

"I heard some of the stuff you said to my grave, but who was the kid you found being abused?"

"You met him a little bit ago. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet."

"Well, I know you met him before the team started, I doubt Aquaman or Batman would be abusive, so that leaves Flash Junior."

Artemis walked in, with a confused look on her face, "What about Kid Idiot?"

"Not right now, we need to get Annabeth a superhero name and costume!"

"How about Storm, for her eyes?" Artemis suggested.

"Yeah, and since we have to same powers, we could be a duo, the Ocean's daughters!" Percy giggled, rolling back and forth in excitement.

"You know, it's nice having more girls here. I mean, there's Megan, but she doesn't understand a lot of earthen culture." Artemis said.

"Yeah, but I can't wait for the REAL fun to begin." Percy said, tapping her fingers together in a maniacal patern.

1024 words.

Thank you!

From now on, I will do reader submitted one shots tied to the story. Comment anywhere, and I will try to write them.

G.M. E.

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