Smile for me

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-Kobayashi Yoshio's POV-

Recently....I've been haunted by my past every night. I can't sleep....every time I close my eyes, thinking that I'd be able to fall asleep, the dream would start playing. Even if I woke up, drenched in sweat and panting like crazy, it'll still resumed when I closed my eyes again.

I remembered how scared I was....How small I was and how hopeless I felt when everyone who once knew me cast me aside like I'm just a useless piece of trash. I dreamt of all my relatives, most of them I don't even recognise, attending my parent's funeral just for the sake of their pride and status.

Yeah....My parents are pretty well-known. However, their child turned out to be a monster. No one wanted me during that sad time. Most of them took me in and threw me away in less than two months. I dreamt of how I had to take shelter under a bridge because it was raining so heavily.

After that, my dream ended when one of my relative said something mean to me. I can't remember what she said...It's all so blurry. I was awoken by that dream many times. It always ends with that relative of mine saying something hateful to me. I particularly don't mind that part of the dream.

Of course it bother me. However, compared to dreaming about seeing my parent's lifeless body sprawled in pieces in front of me was far much more horrific and scary than what that woman was about to say. I can't shook it off.

Every night, I wake up in tears. I can't take it any longer but my body won't let me die. Tonight as well, wasn't an exception. I was awoken by the same dream again.

Scared and trembling in fear, I covered my head with the cover. "Please...go away....please go away...please go away..." I chanted, rocking back and forth.

Why am I remembering stuff I don't wanna remember?! Why can't it just go away and lock itself in the deepest place in my memories?! I can't handle this anymore....

"Someone...." I cried out, wrapping hand shivering hands around my body. "Please...Someone help me.." I chocked out as the sad painful tears fell down from my eyes. The eyes that witnessed my parent's death. My hands that killed my mother by accident and my body that tore my father into pieces....

Like I assumed and everyone else do, I'm just a worthless monster waiting to be annihilated.

-The next morning in school-

I yawned so much my jaw ached. Class was so boring I caught myself dozing off a few times. Anyway, studying has never been my forte....and it'll never will be at this rate.

"Kobayashi-kun?" I heard my name called by a random girl. "Are you alright? You looked pale..."

"....Fine....Thanks..." I replied, gathering my books and stuff for the next class. We're supposed to go to the lab now and I hate chemistry the most....because I have to partner up with someone.

"Umm...You see, Chemistry is next and I was wondering if you'd like to be my lab partner..." The girl tried again. The way she speak, how she moves and her perfume is making me sick. The stench was so overpowering I got dizzy.

"Sorry, But Kobayashi's with me." I heard someone else answered.

"Oh...Sorry, I didn't know." The girl said and hurried away, embarrassed that it didn't work out like she assumed it would....What was she even thinking? That I'll accept her? She must've read too many shoujo mangas....

I glanced up and saw Hanasaki. My....former childhood friend. "Thank you.,." I said, steadying myself. No one can touch me so if I collapse now, it'll be an ultimate bloodbath. I don't want that thing to happen....especially not now.

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