My feelings

436 19 5

-Third person POV-


The murmuring and chattering grew louder and louder as the white haired child stepped into the cemetery. He was all alone without any moral or physical support, standing while the rain fell on his tiny and fragile body.

However, he wasn't drenched. Actually, he was far from wet! His special, mysterious but dangerous abilities shielded him from the downpour. The people around him didn't notice it as they were too busy gossiping and blaming the nine years old for the gruesome, horrific incident that took away two lives. Two lives of someone very dear to most of them.

The child looked sorrowful and depressed. All he wanted was to say he was sorry. He wanted to say how much he love his mother. How much he appreciate being born into this cruel, meaningless and selfish world. But it was far too late for regrets. His parents was gone. They're gone and would never return back to hold the child's hand and lead him so he could have a stable, happy future.

The heavy downpour drowned the little child's crying voice. He was crying and sobbing loudly but the rain was even louder. With just that, little Kobayashi Yoshio was officially called a heartless monster as they thought he didn't shed any tears during the funeral.

And with just that too, Kobayashi Yoshio lost all his purpose of living. He wanted to die. That's his wish even after five years.

-The present-

Kobayashi Yoshio skipped school after the whole blow out with Hanasaki, his ex-childhood friend. He was standing under a huge tall tree with a thick long rope. He tossed the rope over a strong looking branch and tied it tightly. Over his past five years, he learnt the art of tying a bloody good knot.... as a result of always failing in his attempts to hang himself.

So today, he mastered all the tricks and he was ready. He placed the stood under the rope that was now hanging on by the branch. Taking a few deep breaths, he recalled what the internet had stated.

If you hang yourself, the death would be highly painful and slow. Yes, it a semi-slow death. He read that your blood vessel would burst and your veins in your neck would snap. In rare cases you'd suffocate on your own blood.

Kobayashi was indeed scared. Maybe he was terrified! But, he was even more afraid of himself than the rope in front of him. His guilt overpowers everything! Doesn't want to delay any longer, Kobayashi Yoshio climbed on the stood and hooped the rope around his neck. On the count of three, he kicked away the stood and he was hovering above the ground. His neck wrapped around the rope. He couldn't breathe for a minute or two but suddenly, the mysterious fog that surrounded him reacted. It snapped the branch and Kobayashi fell down, bruising his knee.

"DAMN IT!" He shouted, punching the ground with all his might. For sure he thought it'll work, but the results was similar as before. I was futile. He couldn't die.

Feeling hopeless and worthless, Kobayashi sighed weakly. " I immortal?" He asked over and over again. He could never answer that question no matter how hard he tried. He thought, as he got older, he would find the answer one day . However, it was different. The older he got, the more questions he had to ask himself.

"Why am I immortal?", "What is this power?", "why is it hurting innocent people?" and "What did I do wrong?" Were the frequently asked questions that played themselves over and over again in Kobayashi's mind.

After a few minutes of sitting down and doing absolutely nothing, the white haired teen stood up, brushed off the dirt from his trousers and walked away, leaving the rope and the broken branch.

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