Your Happiness My Joy

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-Kobayashi Yoshio's POV-

I'm currently coexisting with Hanasaki kensuke. A cheerful, feel good, happy, adrenaline freak. We've been living together for almost a week, and we were childhood friends but I broke off with him. And yeah, I know, how stupid of me to live with someone as perverted, rude and inconsiderate like him but he DID help me the other day so, I'm just TRYING to relay his 'good deed'.

However, he is really testing my patience here! Guess what, pinning me down every single night! groping my butt in the shower and touching me in weird places when I clearly tell him not to do it! This is getting out of control!

As for tonight, he slipped into my bed, slept next to me and used me as his freaking BODY PILLOW! He's so strong I can't move my arms or legs! Honestly, I don't mind if he's a little considerate but he's practically wrestling me with right now!!

I tried pushing his face away but that only worsen it! Instead of loosening his grip on me, he tightened it and I'm sweating like I'm in a sauna eventhough the AC is switched on!!

I have no choice.....but to resolve to violence!

"Hanasaki....You asked for this...." I muttered as I was staring at his dumb sleeping face. He looked the same as five years ago. Nothing about him change.... Erm....okay, maybe his personalities he's more perverted, rash and much more of an idiot now.

Using every ounce of my energy, I balled my hand into a fist and whacked him face. Hanasaki tumbled off the bed and, guess what, he woke up. He winced in pain and massaged his sore cheeks. "What the hell was that for?!"

"You hugged me like the world was going to end stupid! I can't breath! If I didn't do that, I'll die being crushed by YOU!"

Hanasaki sighed as he got up to his feet. "I hugged you because I care about you. But, why go to the extend of punching my face?! You could've just nudge me or something!"

"I did! I tried waking you up but you were sleeping like a dead log!!"

"For your record, logs aren't alive."

I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. "Stupid, that was just a metaphor!! Goddamn it, now I'm not sleepy, thanks to you..." I said to him. Hanasaki slipped back into my bed and said, "Just close your eyes, you'll fall asleep in less than a minute."

"Easy for you to say. You slept like there's no tomorrow!"

Hanasaki stared at me without saying anything. "W-what?" I asked him. I reply, Hanasaki shrugged and did a 'It's-not-important-to-you' look.

"Hey! Don't give me that look!"

"Kobayashi....normally, I'll be sweet and loving to you, especially to you but, it's 2 A.M. in the morning. Please just go back to sleep. I'm really tired and I have stuff to do tomorrow."

"Who's fault is it in the first place? You have your own bed, why sleep in mine?"

"Because it's no fun sleeping alone....I want to feel someone else's body heat next to mine..."

There he goes again! Rambling about all those weird perverted stuff and ideas. This is what I was trying to say earlier! He's being really clingy and perverted!!

"Shut up! Just go back to your own room! I can't sleep with you here!"

Hanasaki sighed loudly and yanked me by my wrist, pinning me down with his weight. "Shh..... Just go to sleep." He whispered into my ear.

"Get off me you're heavy!! And don't "Shh" me!!"

"Really Kobayashi? I'm trying to get you to fall asleep......please just try your hardest to sleep." Hanasaki said in reply.

{Trickster} Me and You (Yaoi or BoyxBoy) CONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now