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-Kobayashi Yoshio's POV-

"You're my weakness Hanasaki...."

Hanasaki stared at me, unblinking and just speechless.

Hes an idiot.... A true idiot...

"Look, more than anything in the word, I do NOT want you to get hurt because of me, especially because of me."

And now... they're going to target you. I shouldn't have come back to you... You'll be better off without me by your sid_

"so what about it? " he blurted. "I don't see any difference."


"don't joke around Hanasaki! I'm being serious! They are dangerous people! Heartless humans! Do you really want to get involve with them?!"

Don't he realise that this is practically suicide?

Hanasaki shrugged like it was nothing. "Like I say, what's the difference? I'm still going to get involve with you no matter what, even if you disappear again, I'll search for you and they'll will figure out about me anyway. So, what's the difference? "

"but, I'm their top priority! If I disappear, they won't hurt you. " I protested.

"so you're fine with hurting me?" he asked, his expression darkened.

"what are you talking abo_"

"it hurts when you leave me like that. Without any explanation, you leave and come back whenever you feel like it. It hurts Kobayashi. Don't you understand that? You don't trust me at all..... do you? " he said in reply.

I... don't trust him?

"No! I do trust you!" I argued.

"You're lying. You don't trust me enough to let me help you."- He reached out, grabbing both of my hands. -" I don't want you to leave me again... Please don't shut me out this time... "

Hanasaki stared straight into my eyes and his grip on my hands tightened.

I feel awful....I don't want to leave him again.... but staying with me would just bring him trouble...

I pulled my hand and pushed him away gently. "sorry... I really can't, it's not a_"

"Not a good idea? Is that it Kobayashi? How long are you going to leave me again? 2 years? 5 years? Or maybe 10 years? I can't possibly believe you if you say you'll be fine and you'll come back to me."

I stared down at my feet. He's right, I can't promise that I'll be coming back alive....

Hanasaki placed his hands on both of my shoulders and pulled me close. "please.... " he whispered. "just for once, put a little bit of trust in me. "

He's so sweet and gentle that it hurts...

I wanted to cry when he whispered those words into my ears but I held back my tears from falling.

Sighing softly, I gave him a small nod. "you have so much self-confidence that it scares me... "

Hanasaki embraced me and planted a kiss on my forehead before he said, " I think I have just enough to share for the both of us. "

In the midst of the chaos, I wanted nothing more than to stay in his embrace and just let myself sink in his warmth.

Although, I know that it was impossible for me to wish of that. I might even be stupid if I think that everything will turn out fine.

This is reality after all, it's not some stupid comic book or tv show.

Bad things happen in real life and most of the time, innocent people get caught in it.

I glanced up at Hanasaki and for a second there, I could almost see the outcome of this...

I'll tell you, it wasn't nice... Not at all nice....

-A few years ago-

What seems like a normal, perfect wooden cottage in the woods turned out to be an underground lab where the government used to keep special children.

Children that were kept hidden from the rest of the world. They were the children that have peculiar powers and their powers would be harnessed for some unknown purpose.

Marching down the long moldy and dark underground tunnel was a woman. A stern looking middle-aged woman, holding onto a child's hand.

The child looked around, scared and afraid. It was a new environment for him.

"I want to go home.... " cried the little boy.

"shut up. This is your home! Got it?!" screamed the woman.

She dragged him forcefully without showing any mercy to the young boy. His small feet bled from all the dragging and his wrist was black and blue.

At last, they stopped walking. A stranger came out and greeted them. "Is this the boy? He doesn't seem so dangerous to me. " asked the stranger.

"He's still young but this boy have immortality. Anything that touched him will be annihilated to pieces." replied the woman.

"If you say so, how can you touch him? " asked the stranger again.

"he's still a child. His powers isn't strong but if he's angry, it'll react. I've seen it, he murdered his own parents and his cousins were half dead because of him. "

The little boy glanced up at his aunt, fear, betrayal and sadness in his purplish orb. "I didn't do it... " he muttered.

"shut up Yoshio. Just because you think you didn't do it doesn't mean you're innocent. " replied the woman harshly.

The stranger eyed the little boy with interest. "you're a Special child. " he said with an eerie laugh.

Little Kobayashi was afraid but he didn't have anywhere to run to. His aunt was holding onto him pretty tightly.

"we'll have fun with you. " said the stranger, extending his arm towards the boy.

The woman pushed her nephew forward towards the stranger. "from now on, you stay here until further notice." said the woman, her voice was as cold as ice.

"Thank you so much for your cooperation. We promised we'll take good care of your nephew. " - the stranger leaned forward, his face inches away from the woman's ear. - "if you do anything reckless.... We'll kill you..." he whispered.

The woman backed away and smiled. "Not to worry. I won't. "

The stranger nodded and pulled the little boy along with him. "you'll see your aunt again, soon enough... "

As the stranger took him further into the tunnel, the hopes of getting out seems to be getting dimmer.

Kobayashi begin to fear that he might never see the daylight again unless he had a plan. A bloody good plan.

To be continued....

I'M NOT DEAD. ≧∇≦ I'm so sorry I left this for a few months! I just realised I last updated this in January! (°ロ°٥) Honestly, a lot is going on and I'm preparing for a major exam at the end of this year so I'm sorry if the stories are coming out slower than usual. (the usual's already slow...)

I'm sorry for the mistakes in my story and I hope you like this chapter. Honestly, I had to go back a couple of chapters to see where I stop and how did it end ⊙_⊙

Anyhow, if you like this part please hit the star button and leave a comment if you have any feedback. I'll try to make it better next time.

See ya!

-hotaru- (I wonder if anyone is still waiting for this update (|||゚д゚)

{Trickster} Me and You (Yaoi or BoyxBoy) CONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora