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-Third person POV-

"Illegal underground organization...." Hanasaki typed into the search engine. A list of illegal underground organization popped up on the screen but none of it seem close to what kobayashi described.

"Kobayashi, are you sure you don't know the name?" The taller male asked again.

"I'm 1000% percent sure." Replied kobayashi.  "I was little when I first saw that place and I was too paralysed with fear to look around the place."

Hanasaki sighed softly and logged out of his computer. He turned around, facing kobayashi. "What now?" He asked.

"I'll search around the block for answers later." Said the shorter male.

"You're going alone?"

Kobayashi nodded slowly. He knew Hanasaki wouldn't agree.

"I'm not letting you go out there alone after what they did to your aunt." Hanasaki said firmly.

The shorter male rolled his eyes and said, "I'm literally immortal. I can't die remember?"

"But you can still get kidnapped right?" Hanasaki fired back a question.

Kobayashi bit his lower lip. He was frustrated that he couldn't answer Hanasaki's question. Finally, he gave a slow nod.

"Great!" Hanasaki exclaimed.

Kobayashi couldn't help but smile at Hanasaki.

While looking at the brown haired male, Kobayashi suddenly felt the urge to touch Hanasaki.

His body moved unconsciously and when he came to his senses, he was already holding Hanasaki's arm.

"Ko...bayashi?" Hanasaki asked.

The shorter male pulled his hand back, his face growing warmer. "So-sorry, I didn't mean to do that..." He muttered. "....I just, unconsciously..." His voiced trailed off.

Hanasaki smiled and pulled Kobayashi into his arm, hugging him tightly. "Are you worried about me? Is that it?" He asked, in a concerned tone and ran his fingers through Kobayashi's hair.

"No.... I mean, yes... I mean.... I don't know...." Kobayashi babbled.

Hanasaki giggled softly and kissed the top of Kobayashi's head. "We'll be alright.... I'm sure we'll get through it." He whispered softly and reassuringly.

Kobayashi nodded slowly. "..... Say...." He paused.


"Will you.... protect me if anything happen?" He continued, looking deeply into Hanasaki's blueish orb.

Hanasaki nodded. "Sure.... I will never leave you.... No matter what." He whispered.

-Kobayashi Yoshio's POV-


"Okay so, where should we start?" Hanasaki asked.

I scanned the surrounding for clues, any clues would do.

The found me here when I was small. They could've easily track me down but they didn't do it. Something's wrong here.

"Say, I don't think we'll find anything here..." I said.

Hanasaki raised one of his eyebrow. "What? But you said just-"

"I know what I said. But, when I was small, they could easily track me down. They always know my where bouts but why can't they find me now?" I asked.

"Track you down?"

Ah....I let that one slip.... Hanasaki's going to fire me with questions.

"What do you mean?" Hanasaki asked.

"Er....well, remember I told you that they tracked me when my aunt took me in? Well....they took me in by force but I ran away. After that, everywhere I went, I'll see their guys. They know where I'm hiding." I explained.

"You never said anything like that before!"

"I know! I don't want you to get worried or anything." I sighed softly.

"So, they aren't able to track you down anymore?" Hanasaki asked.

"Yes. That's the part that baffled me the most. Why won't they just track me down. They were able to do it when I was small, what's the difference now?"

Hanasaki shrugged.

What could it be? They've given up on me? No, no.... If they gave up on me, why kill my aunty? Maybe she's involved in not just my case but someone else's? But-

"Say kobayashi...." Hanasaki called out to me.


"Is that camera there before?" He asked, pointing towards a small black box installed at the corner wall of a sushi restaurant.

Camera...? That wasn't there a few days ago-

"Run...." I said softly before I grab Hanasaki's arm and breaking into a run.

"W-why?! Kobayashi?!" Hanasaki asked.

"They were watching! They saw both, you and me. I know something was off!" I shouted over my shoulder.


"They stopped looking because they want to observe. They want to find my weakness. If they find you, they can use you  against me, don't you get it?!" I asked loudly.

"Use me against you?"

I stopped running, grabbed both of Hanasaki's arm, looking straight into his blueish orb.

"You are my weakness Hanasaki." I said firmly.


I humbly apologise if this is bad. I wrote this with the little time that I have. That's why it's shorter than usual too. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes in the story too. Well, hopefully, this chapter satisfy you all and if you like it, please hit the vote button. Feel free to leave a comment too!  Have a great weekend guys!


{Trickster} Me and You (Yaoi or BoyxBoy) CONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now