A New Murder

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-Third person's POV-

A tall brawny looking police officer was making his way to the new crime scene they just found a few minutes ago. Upon reaching he was taken aback by how gruesome the murder scene was.

His forehead creased as he investigate the scene and what's left of the body. He took a closer look on the body and grimaced as he thought about the monster who could do such a horrible thing to a woman.

"Hey, who found this body?" He asked one of the few policemen that were there first.

"It was a guy walking his dog. He said that his dog went crazy, barking and growling. He got curious and went to check the scene only to find that there was a dead body in the garbage bin." Explained the policeman.

"Judging by the wounds, seems like the murder is recently done. The murderer must've been mad at this woman." said the brawny police officer.

"Yeah. She probably die from being stabbed but the thing that baffled us the most is, why gouge her eyes out and sew her mouth shut? Seems like the murderer's trying to stop her from speaking and seeing." The policeman said in reply.

"Any identification on the body?" Asked the brawny police officer.

"Sorry sir. We still didn't get a clear identification on the body but it seems she's related to this boy." The policeman answered, giving the officer a crumpled yellow paper attached to a photograph.

The officer took the paper and the took a good look at the photograph. "Hmm....the woman seems pretty young to be this boy's mother. They don't have the same hair colour and eye colour too."

"Maybe his relative? Come to think of it, this boy have a really rare hair colour..... it's not everyday that you see someone with silver-ish snowy hair colour." The police said.

"Yeah. Probably...." the tall brawny officer's voice trailed off as he saw the name written on the yellow paper. ".....Kobayashi Yoshio-kun...." he muttered.


"No. It's nothing." The officer said before giving the paper and photograph to the policeman. "It's not really important right now. Our first order of business is to find the motive and murder weapon. Report to me if you find anything unusual. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

-Meanwhile, at Hanasaki Kensuke's house-

The brunette sat down on the couch and switched on the television to watch the daily news. There was the usual stuff like breaking ins, robbery, kidnapping but then, the news about the recent murder came up. The brunette cranked up the volume, interested in the unusual murder case.

He was surprised when they show the picture of the woman who got murdered. "Isn't that Kobayashi's aunty?! Wait, she's dead?! Who killed her? And why?" He wondered.

Then he remembered. That woman said something about how Kobayashi and herself was in danger. They were hunted down by some pretty dangerous people. Could it be that they killed her because Kobayashi disappeared? It's been almost a month since Kobayashi disappear and the brunette never heard anything from Kobayashi's aunt until now of course.

A shiver travelled down his spine as the thought about Kobayashi being hunted crosses his mind. He reverted back his attention to the television. The announcer was saying that the woman was stabbed countless times using a knife before having her eyes gouge out and her mouth sewn shut. They said it might be out of revenge and hatred.

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