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Halloween was next day, aunt Sane, had arrived on its eve.
There was a knock on the door, Jane ran towards, and opened it. It was her Aunt!. She was more than happy. "Welcome, aunty! ". She said hugging. Eric came out from the kitchen, he had a sausage roll in his hand and was already munching a piece of it. "Who are you?!... Jane!? You allow strangers to your place?... I never saw him.  "Said aunt sane, as if warning Jane. "No aunt, he is a good friend of mine, I felt lonely and I asked him to come, he was there the next day, He is a very good fellow. "Replied Jane half muttering. "Well I believe you dear, but not everyone will I trust on,' answered aunt Sane staring towards Eric.Eric hid his sausage behind his back, as if afraid of aunty. Aunt Sane was tired of traveling and decided to have a nap and turned upstairs. Eric held Jane by her shoulders and asked, "why did you lie to her about me?" When she was about to answer, aunt came down," dear,Jane?when will be your visitor friend leaving? My house is not for rent or a rest room... You know that darling. "Jane coughed. "Aunt Sane,.. Soon." She replied, wasn't able to say anything else. Aunt returned to upstair room. It was dawn, soon. The sun set and soon it turned pitch dark in the house, with all lights turned off and every member of the house went to bed. Jane and Eric had to sleep in two different rooms due to aunt Sane's command. At the dark of the night, Jane heard a low rustling like voice, she opened her eyes suddenly to its sound. She slept stone stuck, slowly analysing the sound inside her mind, it took some seconds for her to understand what the sound was. Then she made it out, the sound was of the blanket getting rubbed to the surface of the bed. The sound grew, it was as if someone was crawling on her bed, heading towards her head, from the lower corner of the bed. She closed her eyes, breathing slowly and quietly. She was afraid as if it would suddenly grab her, even afraid to see towards the sound. Gathering courage, she got up, with her eyes brightly opened, visualising each and every corner of the room. She saw towards the corner end of her bed but was nothing there, no one crawling, no rustling sound. She still sat stone stuck on the bed, slowly kept her feet on the feet. Her feet feeling it's coldness. The floor was very much cold as if it was ice instead of floor.She sat there analysing everything visible vaguely to her eye in the dark.But there was no one there. She slowly stood up, and when she did, she saw someone quickly take back their feet from behind the computer table. She was neither horrified this time. She did not dare enough to go to the table to see who it was not to run out of the room. The door was to the left, she saw towards the door and the table alternatively, which to choose, she did not understand. Finally she chose none, she decided to telephone Eric. She knew he keeps his mobile beside him while going to bed. But unfortunately her phone was on the computer table. She had absently kept it there after speaking to her mom before sleeping. She usually kept her phone on the shelf near to her bed but this was her bad fortune. Now she had no other option than to go near the table. She slowly moved towards it, Her every step gave her freaks. The chair in front of the table shook. As if the stranger was coming towards her, at this time she remembered, how she was haunted before when she was an 8 years old child.

12 years ago...
Jane, got up, in the morning as usual, this was baby Jane. She was only 8 years, two months after was her 9th birthday. She thought about it, for once pounced down and ran out of the room. Her mother was preparing soup. "Mommy! Good morning!" Said Jane smiling. Her eyes as clear as crystal, pretty as a baby star, Her hair in the front, cut into small halves, which suited her the best. Her golden brown hair shined in the sunlight that came from the near by window. She was dress in her bed suit, jumped on to the chair and grabbed a cold sandwich, which her mother had just kept out of the freezer. "Jane dear, morning sweetheart, go and brush your teeth and you can later have your breakfast, I have prepared your favorite breakfast today, come on, go fast, it's waiting for you!" Said her mother, patting her head and kissing her.
Jane sat on chair, after brushing. Had her favorite food and went off to play in her room. Her room was upstairs, with a elongated bed having her favorite bedspread. On the right corner of the room was her favorite toys placed neatly in a glass shelf. All her teddy bears were scattered on her bed, she collected them and placed on the shelf took her story book, and pounced on bed and began to read, after sometime, for her surprise, she found her teddys displaced. She went near the shelf again and kept them back in order. She turned around and faced her bed when she heard a queek from the shelf, she turned towards it only to find all her toys along with the teddy bears scattered. She wondered, saw towards the shelf in pitch silence, numb expression, for some seconds and then again placed them correctly, when she placed her last toy in the left corner of the rack on shelf, some one caught hold of her hand! All of a sudden!. She tried to pull it back but, with all her strength. "You are mine!, "someone said. In a low shreeky voice. She was terrified. She cried to her mom. The thing let go of her hand and she fell back,dashing the table behind. Her back got injured. Her mother came running towards her and calmed her down. She was still crying, sobbing, Her mother lifted her up and made her sleep. Probably she thought her daughter fell due to her own mischief. She kissed her forehead,covered the blanket on Jane's body,  switched on the fan and asked her to go to sleep for sometime, even though it was afternoon. And went downstairs.

Graveyard (#Wattys2017) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora