Graveyard: Revealed but to Eric only

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"I don't know why are you hiding it from me Jane but I am sure you are hiding something from me. Why? I was write in hiding this locket from you. Now I will find out! You are being haunted by Mattie for sure, might be because.. Well, I don't know why will she do that? You were good friends. You are so poor in lieing Jane, she had lost her legs in an accident when she was only 5 years just before she met you and you know it very well but still you told me she died in an accident? That too car accident? How can a girl without legs drive a car? And moreover she doesn't drink, the first time I saw her i offered her a drink but she refused saying the same reason. I don't know much about her offcourse, she might have started drinking later on and if her, but she can't possibly drive a car.. "He told to himself, totally confused. The sun set, it turned dark, Eric switched on the lights. Suddenly there was some noice coming from the bathroom. He went towards it, it sounded as if someone was clapping and laughing. Suddenly Mattie came out of the bathroom banging of the door which made Eric gasp and the small girl, supossingly,  Mattie, ran off the cupboard nearby, then climbed it from the side in a peculiar way. And dropped down all the stuff which Eric had it with him. And broke the window glass and ran out. "Hey! Wait! Who are you? "Eric shouted as if trying to confirm it was Mattie and ran towards the window there was no one there. At that moment from outside he heard the shout. He ran out and then to the main hall, from where the scream came and found Jane and aunt Sane hugging eachother and crying for help, on the side was the spirit, bent in a strange way and was dancing. It was dressed in a white torn cloth. Its hair long. No eyes.He even noticed that its age seemed not more than 16. Eric shouted at it. "Hey! You! I wont spare you! "He said. And ran towards it. It ran in a hopping manner from above the sofa and then climbed ceiling and turned to see Eric, it saw him with a sad expression and ran out breaking the window. All sighed, and were half dumbstruck. But it wasn't over, it returned from the window, upside down, walking on the ceiling and coming to the centre it bent and said "clap your hands" and vanished by ending its words with clapping. Everyone were shocked. Eric ran towards Jane and hugged her. She fainted. Aunt Sane and him took her to her room and made her sleep. Aunt Sane called the doctor. "What was it? Spirits are true? "Aunt Sane asked.,after speaking to doctor. "Yes they are. "Eric replied. "Doctor will be soon here, what to do now ?"Aunt Sane asked worried. "I know someone who does cleansing and drives of spirits. He is my friend, I will telephone him. He must be knowing the right way if cleansing doesn't work. He ran to his room and when he entered, there was on the ground, the locket! He put his hand inside the pocket and searched for the locket.  "What?! "He said with a gasp. He picked the locket up. And this time he noticed ,there was a kind on clip on its side. He tried to open it and it opened. Inside it was written, 'My mom, my papa.On  Mattie's parents' photos.  In a beautiful neat handwriting, Eric knew it was mostly Mattie's handwriting, but, it was... He gasped! Ran to search his bag, he found it fallen off, when the stranger young girl ran, who looked more lije Mattie. He found his letters which Jane had written to him when he worked as a librarian who wrote novels and held the locket and the letters together. He got shocked!.

Graveyard (#Wattys2017) Where stories live. Discover now