Chapter 2

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James had me shoved against the wall, my nails digging into his back and him pressing against me using between my legs as an opening, when my father decide to enter the room. We jumped apart and his eyes--our eyes--glowed with amusement. I felt my face turn crimson as my father stood there.

Even in the morning with his bedhead he looked regal. His sharp jaw had early morning stubble dotted on it and his lean form was clad in a grey robe that seemed to be made of mist. The very ends of the robe withered away into a mist and I could help but be slightly jealous.

I mean I'm not jealous of him just of his cool wardrobe, I thought.

He seemed to hear my thoughts and broke into a laughing fit. His glow illuminated the soft painted room and I felt warmth spreading from him. James grabbed my hand and pulled me to him as though he was scared my father would do something .

I'm guessing this isn't normal for you is it?  I thought just for the hell of it.

No, no it's not my daughter, I could hear his voice crisp and clear in my head as though he was really talking. I snapped my head to him and he sobered.

My apologies Ro, forgive me.

I don't even know what's happening!

Princess, listen. Since we are both of Royal blood and you are my daughter we share a special bond. This special bond is, what we like to call it, Utasia. Utasia is just a fancy word for saying you are bonded with the person you'd least expect through magic. There is no one thing it does, some people bonded by Utasia can use each others powers, others can feel when the other is coming near and know there is no threat, while others like me and you can do this.

This is so freaky.

You get used to it darling.

"I'm not sure I can get used to it," I said aloud causing James to give me a weird look.

"You will, everyone does if you don't talk about it much and just accept it," he said then clapped his large hands together making me jump. "No more time for chit chat soldiers I came in here to give you orders."

"We weren't even talking sir," James said standing at attention.

"James, you and I weren't talking but me and my daughter were. Now before we get into another banter I would like to give you your orders. James same protocol as always, training all day, dinner, wash up and either go to bed or do whatever. Ro you have a slightly different protocol. You must attend court and be a princess but at midday you go and train with the soldiers. There James is your General and then u have the same night protocol as him. Any questions?"

No father, is that what I'm supposed to say when I wanna say no?

He chuckled. That's pretty good for your first time daughter. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to court, consider today your...cheat fay. 

I laughed and nodded. Father whirled around, his misty robe consuming him, and then the room dimmed. He was gone. I shivered in the loss of warmth. 

James folded me into his arms and I absorbed his warmth into my core. Once my shivering subsided he hooked his finger under my chin and tilted my face up to his. I winked and mischief grew in his eyes and smile.

"I believe he told me we have a cheat day today," I said smiling.

"Mmm, cheat day," he muttered and then crashed his lips down onto mine.

I pressed against him and kissed back with a deep passion I didn't know I had burning inside me.

Oh today was gonna be a great cheat day, I thought.

Don't go too far, Father thought back.



This was gonna be very very interesting. 

The Princess (Book two of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now