Chapter 13

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James's POV:

I was sitting in my room with my shirt off when I get a slight pull at the back of my mind. Tiredly I opened up to hear my Princess calling my name.


Yes baby?

C-Cassy and D-Derek are in my r-room.....

I could feel her backing up. I felt her wall beneath my fingers and felt her trembling. 


No answer only trembling. This could not be happening. I can't loose her.

As soon as I was halfway down the hall was when I heard it.

JAMES!!!!!! she thought. "HELP!!!!" she screamed.

I sprinted down the hall towards her.

She was still shaking. I could feel her pull and knew I was growing closer.


NO!!! FATHER!!!!

I ran like there was no tomorrow. 

Whatever was happening could not have been good.


Baby? What's happening? I'm turning onto your corridor now.

T-they killed father....


The wind pushed at my heels and I rammed into her door. It wouldn't move. I slammed harder and harder. Finally it shattered and I stormed into the room.

Ro was standing over her father holding him to her trying to heal him. I walked over to her and tried to help it was working until rough hands I knew too well grabbed me. 

Derek shoved me against the wall and snarled in my face.

"He must die," he growled.

"Oh you did not just say that," I growled.

Then like thunder my wings snapped out and blew him back across the room. Again I went back to my weeping Princess and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me tears rolling down her perfect face.




Cassy came out of the shadows but I snapped my head in her direction. "Come closer and you'll regret it." She stopped colded. Then I looked to Ro and pushed my power into her father. "We got this," I whispered.

She nodded and we pushed all our power into her father's lifeless frame.

We got this.....I hope.......

The Princess (Book two of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora