Chapter 6

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Like the coward I was I ran.

I ran down each corridor hoping to stumble outside or to my room. Thankfully my dress was short enough for me to run in and I had my ratty vans. I ran and ran and ran hoping to outrun them and their voices. Sometimes as I ran I could hear their voices calling out to me but I kept my mind blank and ran faster.

I was about to just collapse in the middle of the hall when it start to shift into a forest green. I kept running, my escape was close. Putting on a burst of sped I didn't know my body still held, i ran to the large mahogany doors at the end of the green hall.

I pushed on the handles and the door obediently opened for me. Not caring if anyone was in there I stepped in and then took in my surroundings.

The garden was gorgeous. The grass was full and manicured and bright green. A small waterfall stood to my left with a small pool around it. Trees skyrocketed all around me, their leaves full and a darker green then the grass and their trunks a sharp, dark wood like the doors. Small animals scampered about and flowers bloomed everywhere filling the air with their sweet smell. Stone paths swirled around the garden.

I stepped on one and felt myself change. My senses sharpened and my dress was transforming. Instead of the beautiful blue sapphire gown I was now in an olive green tee-shirt and brown shorts. I was thankful that my vans stayed like they were though.

A breeze blew unfurling my hair with invisible fingers. The flowers fell out of my hair and hit the ground. I smiled feeling more like myself and kept walking on the stone path that led me to the waterfall with crystal clear water.

I could hardly hear the slapping of my shoes on the stone as i got closer. Once at the waterfall I felt relaxation and prosperity.

I saw a small alcove behind the water sparkling in the dampness.

I wish James could've been here with me to see this, I found my self thinking.

Just tell me where you are baby girl and I'll come to you, he spoke to me gently.

I kept my mind blank and on nothing in particular. 

The alcove sparkled as though beckoning to me. I stepped through the water and into the alcove. I was soaked and immediately started shivering. Then I laughed, a rough loud one that reverberated off the shining rock walls.

Now I really wish he was here 'cause I'm freezing, I thought.

Please baby girl just tell me where you are, he pleaded. Please I need to explain and I need you in my arms.

I was tempted to tell him at first but I decided not to. How do I know you won't lie to me again?

Because, I don't want to lie to you again.

My heart twisted and I felt it beating in my ears. Just explain now and we'll see if I'll tell.

I could tell he was taking in a deep breath, that's how connected we were. Okay. I was holding you as you were screaming and crying when I noticed him outside. I gently laid you down when your screams slowed and let him in. He came in and saw you. His eyes went narrow and he looked at me like he thought it was me that caused this to you, He freaked out and started yelling at me telling me he should be the one to take you home. He lunged at me. We started fighting. I had his hand wrapped around my throat. Then my power got out of control and...

You killed him...I whispered.

Yes but only from defense. Please tell me where you are.

I stayed silent for a few minutes. Thinking whether I should or not. Then his voice came again softer and tear choked.

Please...I need you baby girl...

I melted. I rubbed my palm over my face and spoke in a resigned tone.

In the garden behind the waterfall, shivering in the alcove.

This time he was quiet, a signal that he was coming...

Or something horrible had happened.  

The Princess (Book two of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now