Chapter 15

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James's POV:

She screamed through her tears. It was a sound of pure rage and pain and grief. 

I grabbed her and pulled her to me as she was trying to lunge. Her wings were flapping and she thrashed but I just tightened my grip on her. Her screams were filled with words that dripped venom. It was like trying to contain a snake from attacking its prey.

"YOU ARE MURDERERS!!!" sobbing. "I HOPE YOU BURN IN THE FIERY PITS OF HELL!!!" choking on tears. "YOU SON OF A BITCHES SHOULD PRAY THAT I DON"T GET OUT OF THIS GRIP!!!!" more sobbing. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" Sobbing and shaking but no more thrashing or flapping. She'd gone limp in my arms as she said softly, "I will hunt and kill your family like you killed mine..."

I let her go and she collapsed to her knees. Derek seemed to snap out of whatever spell thing he was under, just for a second, and genuine pain and longing flashed across his face. He stepped forwards but so did I. A low growl erupted from my throat and he snapped his attention to me.

"Go near her and you're head will be rolling into mist before you even know what hit you," I snarled.

He pulled his lips up to reveal sharp canines. "Let's dance James, you killed me once why don't you do it again?"

Cassy stepped up and looked at me. "James don't."

"I don't take orders from little rich bitches."

"Don't hurt him please, all we want is the princess."

"That is not happening."


"Touch her and you'll be dead before you can even form the letter M for mercy."

Cassy walked up to me and touched my cheek.

The world went black.

That bitch was a Touch but one kissed by Death.

Oh I am going to kill her when I wake up...

If I wake up...

The Princess (Book two of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now