Way Over there

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My two kids, both in their first grade smile when they saw me enter the front door house.  A girl and  boy. Maya and Ray. Im glad that I had fought for them.

"Hey mom, how was your day?"
"Awesome like usual."
"I bet." Said Ray drily. That little boy sounds like an adult sometimes, I had to remember that he's just 7 years old boy. He was busy tinkering something in my laptop.

"So... anything interesting happen today?" Maya was busy writing something on her book.
"Some weird looking guys were spotted around the neighbourhood. Mrs. Fionna asked us to stay inside the house and lock the door." Blessed that widow heart for being kind and concern enough to warn my kids.

"I heard from my friend, Drake that he heard them talking about Anon. Isnt it cool??" My boy, Ray's eyes twinkling with admiration. My hackles raised and look outside.
"And why are they loitering here of all the place?"
"They dont. They went from one place to one place. I guess this is the last few stops they had in mind."
"What? Are they some kind of government?"
"Im not sure. I bet they are not.. I can find out for you if you want, mom" his fingers was few inches away from the laptop keyboards, glancing at me with his beautiful green eyes. The color of his eyes pop out with his short black hair brush on his forehead. Asking for my permission to let the prodigal hacker son to do a very, very bad and illegal deed.
"You're grounded for three months if they ever track your ip address back to this house."
"Mom, your son is genius. No one can beat me."
"Except your very own sifu, which is moi." Ray grin, wisely keeping silent. Good boy.
"Hack away but dont say I didnt warn you."
Ray pumps his hands up and down, fingers typing really fast.

"Hey... how was your day, Maya?"
"I'm bored,mom. I hate that I have to pretend to learn all of that thing in school..."
Oh man... not again...

These two kids are the embodiment of half of me each.  And its a challenge to train them to mask it away from other people.
"I know its hard, Maya... but we cannot bring attention to ourselves.."
"But..." Maya pouted. Her long curly black hair fall just pass her shoulder.
"Tell you what. You can pick three books from my library and read it. Then all of us are going to our cabin this weekend."

Maya eyes widen with glee and she clapped her hands.
"Training???" Ray fingers hovers few second before resuming his fast typing.

Yeah. no normal parents would teach their kids to be a hackers or how to use weapons.. martial arts. But when you live a weird life that could anytime throw outbalance... you learn to adapt quick.

"I change my mind. Our life is way cooler than other people."
"Uh uh..."
"Got it."
"Spill." I throw my bag and lie on the couch.
"Apparently, the government are stump about them. They are not from government, but it seems they are backed by powerful power players. They moved behind the shadow few years back.. but lately they've been quite bold going out open. Wait.. I found a file with a weird shape on it..."
I quickly sat up and look over the couch.
"Wait. Stop, Ray." He stopped and gave me a questioned look. I went to look at the symbol on the laptop screen and exhale slowly.

Finally... new leads.

"You can't crack that."
"The more people tell me I can't-"
"The more you pump up to crack it. I know, dear. But you can't.  Trust me. I think its magicked."
Ray gave me his puzzled look and then laugh.
"You're kidding right, mom? I mean really... magick? There's no such thing as magi-"

His eyes widen and he scrambled backward almost topple over from his chair. His chocolate milk hover ten inches away from the table. More like levatates effortlessly.

"WOAHHHHH" Maya stare at it with deep interest. Like a thinker she is, she swipe her hand around the levatating glass to check for the trick behind of the anti gravity trick. Only this is no trick.
"Mommmmm.... w-w-what is that?" Ray become a stuttering mess.
"Its levatating.." quipped Maya, still trying to find the hidden thread.
"I can see that." Snapped Ray. "But that doesnt explain why its levatating."

"As I said. Its magic." I waved my hand away like it was nothing. Maya arched her eyebrow in askance. I shrugged.
"Dont ask me. I still cant explain it in scientific way."

Maya eyes gone twinkling again and I can read her as clear as crystal.
"I'm not sure if you guys can do it or not. But I can teach you."
"Why didnt you show us this before?"

I glance away, unwilling to confront their accusing gaze that they might show to me later.
"I dont want you to depend on freaky power.. it wont solve anything. It'll only bring more trouble and isnt worth it.."
"In other words, mom think we might blow our covers if we learn this." Said Maya softly.  It gone silent for a minute before Ray broke it.

"I guess... I can understand that. Since just making us to stay low and keep out skill hidden was enough trouble as it is."  My breath hitched and I can feel my eyes turns to glassy. They are too matured for their age. They shouldn't have lived this way.. but I was too selfish to live and fight. Too selfish to let my only family go... my only reason to keep on breathing.

"Mom?" Maya soft whisper and a gentle tug behind my shirt, beacon me to turn around.
" I'm sorry you guys have to live like this... I'm a failure as your mother."
Ray and Maya gave me a hug.
"Never. You are never a failure in our eyes." Said Ray.
"Thank you for being our mother, mom" Maya continued.

And to think I almost gave my most precious treasure in this world away...

"And I'm grateful that I have both of you with me."


A rapped on the door, disturb our movie and popcorn time. I went to the door and open it.

I was surprise to see Sam standing outside.
"Can I come in?"
"Sam. What brings you here?" He was looking around with a frown on his face. I followed his gaze but didnt see anything.
"I was around the neighbourhood and thought to drop by."
"Who is that?" Yell Maya.
"Uncle sam." I glance at him, giving him a once over. He's wearing a black shirt and jeans, not his usual getup.
"They are watching movie?" I nodded. He rubs his neck and sigh.
"I've been hearing rumors around here lately. Its not safe for you to wander around. Take few days off, go to your cabin."
"Why should I?"
"Because something going to happen and you might get involve with it if you are not careful enough."

My hand on my hip and I cock my head slightly sideway.
"And what makes you think it got anything to do with me or will get involve with it?"

Sam step forward and lowered his voice.
"I dont know what games are you playing at Gea, but you better stop it. you are just a normal woman with that unpredictable mind of yours. You wouldnt survive this."
"Im not playing at all. Like you said, im just a normal woman with amazing brain."
"Its harder to play chess with these guys."
"I dont play chess. I much prefer flip the whole thing and be done with it."
"Thats what I'm afraid of. Some people doesnt appreciate when their games interuppted."

"All the more joy to ruin it. Thank you for the warning, though I dont see any reason for that. Since I dont see any chess pieces to begin with."
"Yeah right." He said wrily.
"So, still want to come in?"
"I thought you would never ask." Smile Sam, already looking over my head to see Maya and Ray. He had a soft spot for them. That big bear. He is like a big brother to me and act like a real uncle to my kids, which im quite grateful for.

He walk inside and sat between Maya and Ray. Maya squeeled and hug his arm  while Ray gave him the fist exploding greeting. I closed the door and went to the kitchen.

"Hot chocolate everyone?"
"Sure" they chimed in together, making me smile.

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