tough luck

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It seems that despite his influence and effort, Micheal encounter few problem to enroll my kids in the elite school. Its two weeks after the gala night and we cant seems to settle down in our new house.

Its not homey at all.. even with all the furnitures decorating the whole space.
"I rarely complain anything, mom... but this is ridiculous. I dont like it here. At all." She had laid her book on top of the table and look at me with her adorable frown. But frown nevertheless.

I was afraid of this. One of them finally voicing it out. Their... dissatisfaction. 
"I love you and I know you are just trying to do your best but... this is not home. Those wolves house felt more like a home to me than this place will ever be."
I rubs my head and sighs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Lets go back to the wolves place. I miss uncle Sam.." her lips trembled and her face cast downside.
"Why did we run away from them, mom?" She look at me with her puppy eyes.
"Because they are scared of me."
"No they're not." She roll her eyes and crossed her arms.
"You didnt see what I did, Maya... they look at me differently after that."
Maya was silent then staring at me. I could almost hear the wheel of her mind spinning non stop.

She was going to fight this and take her victory. She rarely complains about anything and just go with the flow but when she do... you know she had given it a lot of thought before even trying to bring it up.

I open my mouth to tell her more reason why she couldnt have what she want when our door bell rang.

I frown and went to open the door. who could this be? Its seven o'clock at night. Couldnt they come when the sun still up and above?

A stranger, man stood fidgeting in front of my door then quickly straightened his back when he saw me.
"Hello, I'm Weston. You don't know me but someone left me a message for you."
"I think you got a wrong person." I started to close the door when his next words stops me.
"I don't think so. It's Gabriella right?" That caught me. I look at him properly then. He was plain looking guy. Maybe around my age or few years older than me. He had a blonde hair, and hazel eyes color. His nose was slightly crooked and he had willowy kind of body. He was only slightly taller than me. Maybe at five foot eight or nine.
"And who sent this message?"
"I dont know. I'm only told to tell you this in person."
"We are watching you. This is not a game. You will die if you keep this up." He said nervously. I stare at the man.
I tried to probe his mind but he got some mental barrier around his head. I had a sinking feeling that i know who sent him.
"Are you working with them? How did you find me?"
"Im just a messenger. I got a mail from someone, paid half and told me to tell you this, they gave me this address." He shrugs. He's either lying or im up against some powerful force who could send their protective barrier on him without him realising it.
"Can i go now?"
"Yeah. Sure. Thanks." I said. When i heard a small footsteps behind me, i snapped back from my daze. Shit. Maya heard that and she had this frightened look on her.

"Go clean your room." she didn't need to be told twice. There is no mistake in my commanding tone. I meant it and i won't listen to anything except okay or yes. I heard her retreating light footsteps.

I close the door quietly and stood there, lost in thoughts.

First of all, i find it weird that the messenger just introduced himself. If it was me, i wouldn't have take the time to introduce myself since i wouldnt be meeting them again. Unless...
I open the door and look around the neighborhood. Weston open the door to his car and without a second thought i will it to slam close. Weston cursed and look at his door like it had grown a pair of eyes. I walk up to him.
"Mr. Weston." The guy's back tensed up and he turn around slowly.
"I have few questions."
The guy sigh with defeat. "I knew the money were too good to be true.." He muttered. I gave him my sympathy look.
"Why did you introduce yourself to me? Wouldnt it be easier if you just tell me what you were going to tell me?"
He hold up his hand and shook his head.
"Beats me. I would've done that except they told me i had to introduce my name to you."
"You mean the one who hired you?"
"Of course, who else?"
"So, thats all?" I asked, keeping my expression blank. He slips his hand into his pocket and gave it to me.
"They said to give this to you. If you satisfy their requirements."
I raised my eyebrow. What is this? A hidden clue games? I had to do certain thing to impress them to gain something? Who are 'them' anyway?
"And what are the requirements ?"
" run after me in less than two minutes. And asks the right questions." He told me while ticking his imaginary boxes. I don't think i like to hear that at all. Its almost seems like they know me so well. I grit my teeth.
"Fucking bastards. They say this is not a game but they are treating this like a game."
"Uhm. Can i go now?" The guy look anxious. He keep glancing back at his watch.
"You sure you've told everything?"
"Yeah." he said absent-mindedly. I sigh and waved my hand away.
"Go. I have a feeling we will meet again."
His eyes wide, fear and anxiety mixed in his eyes. It was clear that he wanted to do this like he would swallow a box of nails. He quickly enter his car, start the engine and pump the gas real fast. The sound of the squealing tires left a ringing echoes around me. I look around, narrowing my eyes. They must be somewhere in near vicinity to watch the exchange between Weston and me. I walk back into the house and unfold the paper on my hand.

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