Something to talk about

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"Seriously Sam, i dont have time to debate with you about this and im running out of patience." Time to change the topic. You see, when you can't answer it try shooting another target. You might get lucky and hit a bullseye.
"Pity. I have a sack full of it."
"Im not going back.thats final."
"You are and you will."
"Why? Did your alpha ordered it?" I raised my eyebrow, changing my tactic. Sam maybe big, butt his is a teddy bear at heart. Guilt trip could shake him off or at least make him rethink and back off for a while. Until i could think how to lose him for good.
"That and i cant rest well knowing you are dragging them into the enemy territory. Do you even know who hold this area? One big fucking hint. Its a not your lover boy."

A face flash up into my mind. The arrogant son of a bitch in the gala.
"Oh the ancient dude. I've met him." He gone tense instantly and stood.
"You what???"
"He tried to attack me. And i slam him on the ceiling. Left him hanging there."
"Fuck, Gea... Of all the people... You just have to run and had a shitty encounter with that man."
"I wear a wig and all."
"It wont be enough to stop him from recognizing you."

I had a feeling that it wont, the moment i first laid my eyes on that pair of emerald eyes.
"All the more reason for you to get out from this territory."
"Care to share why we should be scared of that man?"
"Powerful. Cunning. Cold. Merciless and no one knows what kind of creature he is. He took over the mid-eastern countries in one night. He had underworld connections, basically people call him the king of underworld. Anyone who cross him, will die a horrific death. I heard the last person he killed, he tortured him for fifteen years before ending his life."

That's... insane.

another one of my embarrassing mistake and probably one that cost me with a lethal ending.

"And what hope does your pack have to protect us against such person?"

"Let's just say our alpha know him. If you are under his care, i am sure, he will back off.

But if you are sitting duck here, you are free for a grab. How about that?"

I growl and narrowed my eyes on him. He was grinning smugly, knowing that

i could fight on this. Stupid me. I didn't know what had made me lose my composure and act like a

freaking amateur.

"How do i know if this is not part of your plan? to make me go back?"

"heck, gea. I don't even know you were here until i saw the paper this morning.You can wear

rainbow hairs and paint your face, but the way you stand and that eyes and nose doesn't change.

You are still you."

he continued. "aND TRUST ME, no one want to make a deal with that person. Not even our alpha. It's like

playing with fire. may backfire if you're not careful enough."

I bite my inner cheeks and stood.

"I hate you, sam."

"You know i love all three of you like my own family."

"You are not my dad."

"I might as well be one. And i protect my family."

I growl and stalk to my room.

"Kids, i know you can hear me. Better pack up. we are going back to the wolf den."

I can hear their cheers. I roll my eyes. Fine, i acknowledge i lose today. But they wont win the next one. I'll make sure of it. Just hope that i don't meet that arrogant son of a bitch again. Maybe then i get my brain back in full function.

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