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(music above is for the background setting.)

It's been so long since I last attend to this kind of event.

How nostalgic...

I had to compose myself as people begin to notice our presence. That's the effect Michael have around these people. He had charisma, easy going vibes around him, his good looks and availability are just some added bonus that reel the crowd around him.

I had my arm around his arm, positioning my hands on top, to show the large rock on my finger. In this kind of social gathering, you have to play a different type of game. If you act too obvious people will soon stamp you as a vulgar, uncouth or even shameless person. Subtle is the key in this type of boring gathering.

It's a battle ground for those who are cunning, those with more prestige, more money and wits to crush those below them. In a way, this world is more vicious than any other place in the world.

"My, my... Mayor Michael... Who is this fine lady you have here?"a women at her late thirty came forward, with her dark blood evening dress step forward smiling.

How obvious.

"You look lovely today, Miss Adeline."She was anything but that. Her smile cannot deceive me. Her tight lips, that tense shoulder. her finger gripping her shawl with a little bit force than necessary.. I didn't smile but nod at her.
"This is my fiancee, Gabriella."I had to fight a wince. I curse inwardly. This man doesn't have any tact does he. What will happen if my family or old ex-friends remember me. He tighten his hold on my hand, as if to reassure me.

" Pleasure to make acquaintance with you, Miss Adeline."
"Same here." It was subtle but she did a once over, as if seizing her rival. Idiot. I hate woman like her.

If I was really his fiancee, you wouldn't have even a tiny chance to think me as a rival..

I glance at Michael and saw he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Other people might not notice it but I've known him so long that i know what his body language telling me. He might as well take out a flash light and make a SOS light signal.

"Dear, I'm a little bit parch... could you get me some drink?"I pat his arm and look at him with a smile. I swear i saw his relief for a split second there. He quickly took the opportunity and excuse himself.

The woman didn't follow him. Instead she stayed. A battle so soon? My lips curve upward and I look around, hoping nobody recognise me.

"I don't know who you are but stay away from Michael. He's mine." I glance at her and give her once over and then dismissing her. Step one complete.

"I bet you are just after his money. Slut." I raised my arm slowly while staring at her and touch the ring on my finger. I make sure the ring was exactly on the same eye level with hers.

"My, My... what uncouth mouth you have... I wasn't aware that this social gathering host a guest with bad etiquette upbringing. I must thoroughly reprimand the host for this."I said loud enough for the people around us to watch us. Then, I notice a familiar face from far. "Excuse me. I have another matter to attend to. Please, mind your manner next time you speak to me or my husband to be." I glare at her to make my point and then walk toward an old couple standing near the fountain. They were talking with each other laughing happily.

"Hello, Are you Mr. and Mrs Jones?" I greeted the old couple. They were caught off guard and smile.
"Hello... Uhmm. Yes ...I'm sorry but do we know you?" asked Mr. Jones. I smile gently, still remember his hearty laugh every time I came to their house to play.Mrs. Jones would bake her famous ginger bread cookies and we will sit at their porch eating while talking.

Breakthroughजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें