welcome back

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The Alpha lift his eyebrow and look at me.
"You reeks dhampirs and the ousider." I think I've heard about dhampir in some movie before. Was it a half vampire or half angel?
"Must be the goblin with horn thingy." I sniffed at my own clothes.
He look at Sam questioningly. Sam explained everything to him.
"Like it or not... you need his help"
"Is Lucas Edric is even his name?"
"How do you suppose we should find him?"
"Oh you dont have to worry about that. He will find us." He said with a bitter laugh and shook his head.
"Wow. Somebody feeling bitter."
He rubs behind his neck and them pinching the bridge of nose.
"Knowing him... I know he will come and i also know i wont like his reasons of why ." He look at Sam pointedly. Sam shrugs and then both of them looking at me. I raised my eyebrow.

What does that looks means? something about me? Unconsciously, i folded my arms on my chest.

"Well, call me when he come. I hope you're right. Or i'll hunt his ass down. Ancient or not."
"Oh knowing you, i know you make a good out of that. But you dont have to worry, Lucas will come. Just call his name couple of time, he'll come."
"Really?" I asked curiously. Now thats quite useful trick. But i dont think im ready to confront that man again. Just the mere presence of him was overwhelming enough...
"Yes. Now go and refresh yourself."
I nodded absentmindedly.

"Oh and Gabriella.."
I turn around and look at Kane.
"Welcome back." I stare at him and quickly mask my face. In thousands nanoseconds, my brain processed how should I react when finally I said,
"Thanks. But you should've just leave me alone, Kean" I left the room without looking back, ignoring the other weres looking at me.

The kickback from overusing my power for this whole month came knocking my ass in one go. The harder i squeeze my power out, the harder it will bite me back. Right now, i had the worse headache and burning sensation all over my body. It means i had gone over my limit. If i used a little bit, it wont even cause a sneeze. And the worse part of it was... Losing control of my power when i am in weak state.

"Sam!!!!" I shouted. I heard the footstep before seeing someone. And its not sam.
"Put me in your basement jail. Or whatever. Far from other." Kean look at me and went straight at me, touching my head.
"What happen? You're burning up"
"Nothing unusual. Just the power kickback. Put me in cell, now." I said trying to play it down. When I was anything but. Damn. The pain came in interval. Almost the same like giving birth.  It comes and goes.
"Shut up and just do it." He lift me up and in a blurry motion he put me in a four wall chamber.
"This would do. Now go." I push him away and shove the door close. I laid on the floor and breath heavily. Everything spinning around and i wanted to puke so bad. I close my eyes. Feeling every fiber of inside of me stretching, burning and turning.

"Arggghhh!!" I could feel my control slipping away as the pain intensify. The steel  table and chairs  all levitate before forming into balls of steel and slam on to the wall. Embedded perfectly on it like a piece of wall art. Or mountain climbing holder.  I hit on the floor, when the pain increase a whole new level.

I scream and  i can feel the wind picking up. Scratching the walls, ceiling and the floor without touching me a bit.

I scream and scream feeling like my head splitting and crack over. I wanted to bash my own head to the floor and be done with it.

It wasnt few minutes later that darkness claims me into its void oblivion.


Kean and Sam entered the room after checking the cctv had all stopped working. As they entered the room, she was lying down on the floor,completely passed out. The other weres followed them but they went to check around the room.
"Holy shit! Did she do all of this???? Thats some bad mojo!!"
Ford went to see the wall and look through the gaping hole and his stare landed straight at Kean narrowed eyes. Ford cleared his throat and stand up straight like a soldier.
"Why did she lose control?" Said Kean.
Sam rubs his face.
"Heck if I know, Kean.. I just knew about her power recently.."
"Maybe she had a limit using her power? Or backlash? But only those who haven't channel properly from their mana would experience that." Said Carl. Neil And Gregory nodded silently.
"But what if she really didn't know how to channel her mana? This will break her reservoir. Thats gonna be bad"
"Atomic bomb bad" added Gregory.
"Her power is already scary as it is.. and to think that might let loose without her control.." Ford shuddered.
Roan went to see the thing that had sticked on the wall and saw the familiar looking object had been turned to a wall ornament.

He whistled.
"That table didn't survive a day with her"
"Had a lot of memories with that table but well.. it is the life"

"She did try to control her power and try to lessen it because if she didn't, this whole house will be gone in a split of a a second" offered a voice.

Kean sigh and rubs his temple.
"Nobody called you"

But all the weres stood ramrod straight and tensed as they felt the threat of someone coming into their territory. this person was too much of a stranger yet too powerful for them to make a move.
"I came bearing news"
"We know"

Lucas Edric look at the woman lying on the floor. Black hair strewn in a beautiful mess, slightly covering her heart-shape face.  Its a complete opposite than what he had seen last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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