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"What will happen to us?" Sigh a halfway to drunkland man at the end of the bar, nursing his poison.
"It's almost the end of the world I tell you." Snapped John, one of our regular.
"I worked my ass off and I can barely feed my own family!" The first man said.
I wiped the bar while listening to the men rant about everything. Keeping a careful blank expression, I did my job quitely.

"But did you guys heard about it?another politician was arrested today. it'll be out in the news tomorrow morning." Sophie, one of our bartender lean forward with twinkling eyes. I almost rolled my eyes. Almost. She keeps on yapping about the same thing. Her own way attract ing customers to sit and order more drinks. Can't say She's bad at it.
"Do you think its another Anon's works?" Another guy came and sat on the stool, ordering a drink for himself. See what I mean? Sophie is that good.
"Who else have the guts?" John shrugs.
"I dont know... whoever this person is.. I think he is just doing it for popularity or something." Snickered the almost drunk man.

As if, fuckhead.

Sophie snorted.
"What make you think Anon is a guy?"
"He got guts." The drunk guy shrugs and took another gulp of his drink.
Sophie crossed her arms. Oh boy, the gig is up.
"And women dont?"
"Calm your tits, Sof. Nobody said that." Laugh John. But its given. You might as well stamp that on your forehead, dickhead.
"Well, I dont give a damn if Anon got a dick or pussy. I hope he or she keeps on doing it. At least in small way, justice prevails."the newcomer guy said, staring at his drink.
Sophie pouted and I had to smirked. That man singlehandedly close the topic just like that. Most of the time, sophie could make the guys debating and drinking like crazy. More customer for us, more tips for everyone, especially for her.

Sophie glance at me and saw ny face. She make an ugly face and I shake my head, clearly reading her angst.
"But I hope Anon be more careful. Words out that some people are hunting for Anon's ass."
Sophie eyebrow arched upward. A slow flow of fear start to trickle from my chest to my limbs.
"OH? And who are these people?"
"Dangerous people." Said the newcomer, his face darken a shade. It sounded ominous, almost a threat.
"Thank the fuck I'm not Anon. If I'm Anon, I would reconsider to find another job." Sophie made an exaggerating movement, wiping her forehead. Point taken. Thanks for the advice. I thought drily.

"G, another fish and chips!" Yelled one of the customer at the back. I nodded and went to the back, taking the left turn.

I knock the kitchen door, a guy wearing red bandana on his head was busy arranging food on the plates.
"Yo, Dean.another fish and chips."
"Ugh. Seriously, im not paid enough for this."
"Ask Sam for a raise."
"I dont need a raise. I need another pair of hands"
"I think they sell those in pharmacy-"
"Im sure they do. You know what I mean, G." He said drily giving me his exasperated look.
"Hey, im not the boss here. Talk to Sam."
"He's in badmood." Muttered Dean.

I shake my head and went to the back door. Yeah. When Sam in one of his badmood, no one dare to be within his peripheral view. Everyone will run the opposite way when they even have a brief glance of his shadow. Well, everyone except me that is. Which explain why Dean was telling me instead of the Big Boss.

Sam have this once in a month PMS like women. I always teased him for that. He is all growl and no bite but it seems whenever he's in one of his mood, his glare seems to make those who stare him feels want to flee. Except me. Which I always find its odd. But I didnt let it bother me much.

I saw leaning on his black truck, smoking. Hmm... he's in bad mood alright. He rarely smoke except when he's in those rare mood.
His dark blonde hair look ruffled and suited his angular shaped jaw. Blue eyes and roman nose that compliment his rogue looks makes him quite popular where ever he goes. He is about six feet three and his muscles mass balance everything out into perfection.

Guys will think twice before starting a bar fight with him around. A girl wouldnt think twice to throw their underway and have their way at him.

He exhale a puff of smoke out from his mouth.
"What do you want?" His clipped tone was like a tickle to my ears, I had to grin.
"Pms again,huh?" He grunt but didnt spare me a glance.
"Dean want another helping hand."
"You deal with it."
I raised my eyebrow.
"Im not the boss here."
"Might as well you be. I only sat my ass here and become an ornament." He muttered and flicked his cigarette.
Now thats rare.. did I step on his ego?

Slowly, I took off my apron and throw it to his truck. I stand right to his face and stare at him.
"If I did something tell it to my face and out loud. You feel im stepping into your territory? Tell me. I'll back the fuck off." I said while stabbing his chest with my index finger.

He stare back at me with slight annoyance.
"You know I cant say anything since you were the one who back everything up. You help me with this bar from the scratch and now I have a load of money bank into my account. You dont hesitate to use me or anyone else to make sure this place flourish."
"And thats a problem why?"
"You came for my help six years ago. Instead you are the one helping me. I cant guess how your mind works and what you'll do next. You are too much of a wild card and I hate that. I dont know your real name. Your past. You are barred and shut so tight, except what you choose to show people"
"Fine?? Thats all?" He dropped the cigarette and crush it with his foot.
I turn around and enter the back door. I can hear his footsteps trailing behind me.
"What does that means?" His voice boom and echoed along the hall. I can hear something fall on the floor at the kitchen. Dean almost had heart attack, probably.
I went to the locker and took my things. I dropped the small notepad and pen inside the locker.

I didnt slam it. Because I know everyone was listening. It was too silent than usual.
"GEA" I ignored his warning tone and walk toward the bar.
"Agea! You better stop right there and face me"
I flipped him the bird without looking at the back. Nobody lift their face, they were totally listening. What a bad acting.

I heard him cursed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Acting on pure instinct, I elbowed his gut twice, fast and head but his chin. I quickly turn around and grab his collar.

"do not touch me like that"
His eyes shows annoyance lace with pain.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled.
"Im quitting."
"What??!!" His dumbfounded look seems comical to look at.
"I had to do all the work because you dont know how to manage your own ass in this place. And you tell me I'm acting like a boss here?" I stabbed his chest again, and turn away from him. I caught Sophie eyes and winked at her. Her jaw dropped, all the while confusion still paint her whole face.
"If you dont want me acting like a. Boss then start acting one.  Dont push all your shit on me"

The whole place was devoid of any sound except the jukebox at the corner.
At last, Sam sighs. He rub his neck slowly.
"Dammit, Gea. Sorry, okay. Can we forget about this?"

I stare back at him. Counting to seven. Letting it stew and make him more uncomfortable and agitate. Serves him right.

He should have a taste of his own medicine. Thats how everyone feel when he blasting away his irrational mood swing here and there.

"I want 3 things"
"not like I could say no." He said drily. I ignore it.
"Great. Im going."
"Wait what? I thought we settled this." It almost sound like a whine.
"Yeah. We did. But Im done for today. "
"No its not even-" the clock chimes, showing that it was 7pm.
I raised my eyebrow and Sam stare at me with unreadable expression.
"You were saying-"
"Fine. You can go now."
"Thanks a bunch. I know you'll find a new helper for Dean by tomorrow."
"Sure." He said, still staring at me. I rolled my eyes and push out the front door.

Another day, another success. I'm wicked when I feel naughty. Contrary to what Sam said, I dont like manipulating people, not if I could help it. But since thats the only way I could keep it trouble free for me..

Because I want to keep calm all the time. I hate it when I'm pissed because im merciless and savage in a whole different way.

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