New Home

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The pack took the Vampire shadows away to be interrogate. Sam and Alpha help us to pack few stuffs to bring to their estate.

I had woken the kids up and they shuffle obediently, packing their stuff.
"Are we leaving for good?" Asked Maya in whisper. I touch her cheek and smile.
"I dont know, dear. Just think of this our next new adventure."
"im just sad... we are leaving this place." I pat their heads and smile faintly. To be honest, i feel the same too. This was our home and we are going to lose it...
"I know. I'm sad too. But as long as we have each other, everything will be fine."
"Yeah.. because you are our super mom" smiled Maya. A small dimple on her left cheek makes her smile even sweeter to look at. I winked and grin.
"You know it. Come on you guys. Pack up and lets go."

"Is the other man also a werewolf?"Ray glance at me with interest, waiting for my answer. I nodded. Ray was alway the one with more curiosity. Maya prefer just watching and analyzing quitely.
"Yeah. He's their leader."
"Coooll, he's an Alpha?"
I raised my eyebrow staring at Ray. He knows Alpha term? Where did he learn that? He smile sheepishly.
"What? There's this mmorpg game" like that explain it.
Well, yeah i guess that did explain it all. Games this day..

After we finished packing, Sam and Kean easily lift all the stuffs away into Sam's black pickup truck.

All three of us entered the backseat, Sam driving and Kean riding the shotgun.

"What's your name, boy?"
"Rayston Walker. Just call me Ray, sir." He make it sound like hes talking to a military general. I dont know whats inside that boy's head sometimes.
"and you, little girl?"
"Maiya Walker, call me Maya." She said meekly. Oh, don't underestimate her. She can be meek and fragile look, and she loves taking advantages of that for her own gains. Cunning.
"Well, pleasure to make acquaintance with both of you. I'm Kean McNorman. You can call me Kean."
"Cool. Are you really an Alpha?"
"Yeah. And do you really know your way using guns?"
"Any type of weapons actually. We are still learning Krav Maga." "Oh? Who taught you that?" His surprise tone makes me restless.
"Mom. She's an expert. Shes like superwoman."

"I can see that." replied Kean with his easy going tone, but I can almost hear the underlying tone beneath it. That have a deeper meaning than the surface and right now, I choose to ignore it completely. I don't have time to play mind game since I'm still taking it all from what i've learned so far.

The whole ride was uneventful except Sam's and Kean small talk. Half and hour later, we reach into a dirt road that enter into a thick forestation. Something that makes you think that we are going to some camping ground or rented cabin. It completely blown out of my mind when the view of the whole place laid before us. A villa that could easily housed two to four families, stood proudly in the middle of the clearing. Few ranch house scattered around it, adding more charm to the villa and the view around it. And I can guess where which house we were going to stay.

"Awesome! Are we gonna stay in that ranch house?" asked Ray, bouncing up and down with excitement. Maya eyes was watchful with renewed interest.
Sam cough and glance at Kean before look at the rear-view mirror looking right at me.

"Actually, you guys will be staying at the Villa. That's where the Alpha lives."
"For real? I thought pack only let the Luna to live under the same roof of Alpha."asked Maya, finally. Where did my kids they pick all these tidbits from? I don't even know about it. I look at her and she raised one of her books. Her paranormal novel books. One that i painstakingly have to make sure the books was suitable for her age. They are kids but they have mind of young adult and sometimes, I'm scared how fast they matured.

"Sometimes we allow guest to stay there. Or when in dire time, the house become a place for some families to stay."
"But that doesn't require for them to stay in a long period of time... Does that means we aren't going to stay here that long?"

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