Life After The War

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After the war, The Golden Trio went back to continue their seventh year. Ever since Voldemort was defeated, Harry's life has became boring. Before this, he would be searching for Voldemort and trying to kill him. But now, it was like his life turned from colourful to grey." I seriously have nothing to do!"said Harry."Well maybe you would have something to do if you'd start working on your potion!" replied Hermione.Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine." he said. "Are you done,Harry?" asked Professor Slughorn. "It looks like your potion is invisible considering I see absolutely nothing in cauldron". "Sorry,professor."Harry replied. Hermione tried and hide her laugh with a cough as Harry gave her a push.

The trio made their way to the Great Hall for lunch.Lavender saw Ron and ran to him. " Won Won!" Lavender screamed. "Here we go" Ron muttered under his breath. Harry and Hermione said at once,"We'll leave you two alone" as they left Ron. "Guys! Wait!!" said Ron. "Wanna walk me to the Hall,Won Won?" lavender asked. Ron sighed.

After Ron and Lavender were out of sight,Harry and Hermione laughed so loud that all eyes were on them.Even the professors.They quickly sat down near Ginny."What's wrong with you two?!""We left a certain brother of yours with a girl by the name of Lavender Brown."said Hermione.Harry quickly shushed them when he saw a miserable Ron walking hand-in-hand with Lavender.

Draco walked over to them and sat next to Hermione.Eversince the war ended,the two forgave and forget and became the HOTTEST couple in the history of Hogwarts.Well not as hot as James and Lily,of course."Hello sweetie."Draco said with a cocky grin."Hello Draco."Hermione said."I've missed you."Draco said."Draco,we just had potions together 20 minutes AGO!"Hermione said in an annoyed tone." You're so cute when you're mad.That's why I love you."Draco whispered loud enough for Ginny and Harry to hear."OH FOR MERLIN's AND GOD'S SAKE,GET A BLOODY ROOM!"Ginny and Harry yelled.Hermione and Draco blushed.

Dramione and Hinny walked out of the Great Hall to the lake.They sat on the grass and chatted.Harry asked Ron if he wanted to come but Lavender dragged him away before Ron could say a word."Well this is nice."said Ginny enjoying the spring breeze."Yeah,it is."said Hermione and Draco in unison. All of a sudden, Blaise jumped out of the tree he was hiding in and fell on Harry's arm and Draco's head."OW!"said the three boys all together. Hermione giggled as she helped Draco and Harry up."What were you doing in the tree,Blaise?!" Ginny asked half-laughing and half-annoyed."I saw all of you coming and hid in a tree until the time was right to jump out and scare all of you."Blaise replied rubbing his knee."Do you guys need to go to the Hospital Wing?"Hermione asked the boys."Nope,we're good."the three said in unison.
The five continued talking until dusk."Well,we should really get going."said Harry.The others agreed.They walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table."Aren't you two gonna sit at the Slytherin table?"Hermione asked."Nah,we're good."said Draco."Besides,who would want to sit next to Pansy?"added Blaise.Ron and Lavender joined them a few minutes later."Would you like me to feed you,Won Won?"Lavender asked."It's alright,Lav-Lav."said Ron."For Merlin's sake,Lavender.Ron's old enough and hopefully matured enough to feed himself!"Draco said in a disguted tone."He's none of YOUR buisness,ferret."Lavender argued."GUYS!STOP FIGHTING AND EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD BEFORE I DO!"Ron yelled.Draco and Lavender quickly shut their mouths."Thank you oh so very much."Ron said innocently.

The rest of the dinner was filled with jokes and chatting."so Blaise,how's your luck on finding a girlfriend?"Ginny asked teasingly."You know,you only have until Friday to find one.And today's Tuesday."she added."Oh please,don't bring up that dare again."Blaise groaned.


"You think I,Blaise Zabini, can't find a girlfriend in one week?" Blaise asked."Yup,thanks for not letting me explain it for the fifth time."Ginny said while rolling her eyes."Fine.Challenge accepted."Blaise said."Okay,if you don't get a girlfriend on Friday,you are gonna have to make-out with any girl I tell you to make-out with in the Great Hall on Friday morning."Ginny said."What if I do?"asked Blaise."I have to make-out with Harry in the Great Hall in front of everyone on Friday morning."Ginny said regretfully."Deal."both of them said in unison.

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