"I'm Ready,Are You?"

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Ginny's POV:

So, after doing my hair and makeup,Hermione went out of  my room and into the living room."Luna,don't I need to take a dress?Cause I'm still in my towel,you know."I stated."there's no need for that,Gin."Hermione said,appearing with a bold red dress."woah. You picked this, mione?" Luna said."yup,here Ginny go put on this."Hermione said."OH!and don't forget these babiess!"Luna said,handing me a pair of heels in a similar color as my dress."thanks,guys!"I said.

Harry's POV:

After Dean and Draco told me somethings I didn't know about Ginny,they helped get ready.Yes, I admit, Draco had a good fashion sense."okay guys, bold red or scarlet tie?" I asked them."Scarlet." they both said."alright." I said,putting it on."how do i look?" I asked."Charming,Harry!" Dean said."Thanks" I replied."simply pathetic,like you always do."Draco said."c'mon Draco.Seriously."I said,rolling my eyes."Fine, thanks to me, you look charming."he said.

Ginny's POV:

I looked in the mirror."wow, I don't know how to thank you guys." I said. "well, you can thank us by going to the Black lake and make Harry's jaw drop to the ground."Hermione said"alright!"I said."well you better get going! it's almost time and Harry might be waiting!"Luna said. "byee! thanks again girls!"I shouted from the hallways.

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