Sorting Soulmates

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It was a Saturday morning.Harry woke up and got ready.He tried to wake up Ron but Ron just wouldn't wake.So Harry whispered to Ron in his best impression of Lavender,"don't u wanna get breakfast Won-Won?""WHAT?WHERE?WHO?"Ron asked finally waking up."Oh you're finally up!"Harry said sarcastically.

During breakfast, Mcgonagall had an annoucement."Can all seventh years stay back after the hall is cleared?"she said."Well,that was unexpected." Harry said."I agree,Potter."Draco said.

After the hall was cleared,the seventh years stayed back as instructed."May all of you please welcome the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt."McGonagall said.

"Thank you,Minerva." Kingsley said. "Now before any of you start a fight,please know that i have done everything in my power to stop this.Since the war, the Wizarding World's population decreased dangerously.Therefore, the Ministry invented a new law called the Marriage Law.Every girl here will be called as we place the Sorting Hat decides your soulmate.There must be no arguments because the Sorting Hat has been trained by the ministry to sort your perfect soulmate."Kingsley stated.Unexpectedly, the hall remained silent.Everyone was too shocked to say a word.

"Now,I shall start the sorting."McGonagall announced.

"Miss Luna Lovegood."
"Miss Parvati Patil."
"Miss Susan Bones."
"JUSTIN FLINCH-FLETCHLEY!"(i'm sorry if I spelt his name wrong!)
"Miss Hannah Abott."
"Miss Daphne Greengrass."
"Miss Pansy Parkinson."
"Miss Astoria Greengrass."
"Miss Ginny Weasley."
"Miss Lavender Brown."
"Miss Padma Patil."
"Miss Hermione Granger."

Some were happy they got their partner while others,were not really on good terms."Now may everyone take seat next to their partner?"McGonagall asked.Since Dramione,Hinny and Rovender were already seated next to each other,they watched everyone else take a seat next to their soulmate for life."Tomorrow at 1pm,you must all gather here for the rules,deadlines and timetables of the new Marriage classes.You are all dismissed."McGonagall said.

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