"I'm yours and you're mine,forever"

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Draco's POV:

The next morning, I woke up and saw that Hermione was not there.I thought that she was already at breakfast so I just got ready.When I arrived at the Great Hall,I noticed Hermione wasn't there.As I made my way to the others,Harry asked,"where's Mione?"."I don't know.I woke up this morning and she wasn't there."I replied."Well,that's odd.Really odd."Ginny said.We then continued eating.But I couldn't stop worrying about Hermione.

Hermione's POV:

I can't believe it.I just can't.The two people I love,gone.Forever.I immediately broke when I read the letter.The letter was from the Ministry of Magic.The letter read,

Dear Ms.Granger,

From the bottom of my heart,I feel deeply sorry for your loss.

Your parents,Neill and Liliana Granger were killed in a road accident involving a truck.It was raining as they were returning from work,a truck was driving above the speed limit on the other side of the crossing.As a result,the truck driver loss control of the truck and crashed into your parents' car.The truck driver had minor injuries but your parents had injuries such as broken ribs,cracked skull and broken arms and legs.They were sent to St.Mungos but the healers could not save them in time.

Again,I'm truly sorry.


Kingsley Shacklebolt,

Minister of Magic.

I received the letter early in the morning.After I read the letter,I went to the library.I was sitting next to the window until now,crying.I lost my appetite so I decided to just stay here.I knew the others might be worried about me,especially Draco.I mean,I just left him early in the morning without any note.But I couldn't bring myself to even stand.And leave a note.

Draco's POV:

It was a Saturday which mean't no classes.I asked Harry,Ron and Ginny to help me find Hermione.But then,obviously Blaise and Luna wants to come as they were also worried about Hermione.So we all went around the grounds and the Gryffindor dorm but couldn't find her."okay,so where would Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age,be?"harry said.We all thought hard.Then,it hit us like a meteorite.Of course! The library!"I honestly feel so damn dumb."Ron said."The library should have been the first place we checked."Blaise said. "well then,let's get going!"Ginny said.Soon enough,we've found her,sobbing."Draco,I think you should go.I don't know why,but it feels right."Luna said."umm,well,okay."I said

Hermione's POV:

As I was sobbing,I felt someone put a hand over my shoulder.I turned around.It was Draco."Hermione,what's wrong?" he said,with a worried face.I said nothing but instead showed him the letter.He read it with a sad and worried face."Oh my gosh.I'm so sorry,Hermione.I don't think I can even imagine the state you are in."he said in a sympathetic voice."It's fine.I mean,everyone leaves at some point.and i guess theirs is now."she said."but through whatever I'll be right here for you.Always remember that I'm yours and you're mine,forever."he said.

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