Advices and Makeovers

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Harry's POV:

"Okay,now,Malfoy?" Harry said."yeah?" Draco said."tell me everything you know about Ginny."Harry said."How should I know a damn thing about her?"Draco asked,looking at Harry like he was mental.But in fact,he was just acting."oh c'mon.. Ginny always goes to you for help pranking others ever since Fred and George graduated."Harry said."and also, I'm PRETTY sure she just went to you YESTERDAY to ask you to help her put glue in MY SHAMPOO."Harry added."wait,what?!" Dean asked.

Ginny's POV: 

Once I was done showering, Luna and Hermione dried my hair and styled into a French braid."Guys, can I ask you something?"I asked."Sure!"Luna said."Do you guys like Lavender?" I said."Kinda,I mean, she can be very fun sometimes."Luna said."Well,as you guys know,I had a problem with her in 6th year.But after the war,I dated Draco and forgave him.So if I can forgive Draco,why not Lavender?" Hermione said."Also we talk together during the Quidditch practices." Hermione added. "done!"Luna said,adding flowers into my braid.

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