The Apartments

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Ginny's POV:

My apartment was veryyyy beautiful! Harry and I settled on the password,Teddy.We thought it wasn't so obvious and Harry was Teddy's godfather and not alot of people know that.

We had a small and cozy living room which has the kitchen and dining area,too.Our bathroom has a shower that fits two people,and a giant mirror with lights around it.

Harry went to sleep while I took
another tour of the apartment.

Then, I saw a room I didn't see before.I went in and saw baby toys,clothed and a cot.It was beautiful.Then,I saw something."HARRY JAMES POTTER,GET YOUR BLOODY ARSE HERE THIS INSTANT!"I yelled.

Harry's POV:

I heard Ginny yelling my name.I ran to where  I think she was."what's the matter?"I asked worriedly."Look at it."Ginny said calmly.I took a look of the room I was currently standing in."woah."I said."What gender do you think the baby's gonna be?"Ginny asked."Well,considering there are alot of boy clothing,I'd say it's a boy."I stated."Yes but,look in here."Ginny said pointing to a drawer.It was filled with girl items."Well,maybe it's gonna be transgender."I said,jokingly.Ginny smacked my arm,"Don't.Dare.Say.That." "alright,alright! It was just a joke!"I said while rubbing my arm.

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