Bluna Bonding

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Blaise's POV:

Luna and I decided on the password "The Zabinis" because that's what we're gonna be called in a year or two.Our apartment has a giant window that overlooks the Black Lake in the living room.Our bedroom is not too big or too small,so it's just nice.

"Merlin,Blaise look!" Luna squealed."It's a room for our baby!"she added."WHAT?!"I yelled."MERLIN! why did u yell,Blaise?"Luna asked,worriedly."ar-are...yo-yo-you....preg-pregnant?"I asked."Oh,heavens no,Blaise.I just said 'our baby' because it has to come anyways."Luna explained.I sighed in relief.

Luna's POV:

While Blaise unpacked,I decided to make some food."Blaise?"I called."Hmm?"he responded."Would you like a fruit or veggie salad?"I asked him."Fruit!"He said."Ok!"

Once Blaise was done, we ate our salads."I have an idea."Blaise said."What is it?"I asked."While enjoying our food,we could play 10 questions."he suggested."I'm in!"I squealed."right,we'll each ask 5 questions.We'll take turns.I'll start first."he explained.

"Full name?"
"Luna Blossom Lovegood."
"Blaise Mario Zabini."

"Hmmm..your ambition?"
"An auror."
"A magizoologist."

"Favourite colour?"
"Sky Blue."

"Hobby?And only one!"
"Ughh...fine! I like pranking.Ooh,and teasing and swimming!"
"I said one!"
"Alright!Merlin! I like swimming the best I guess."
"I like collecting flowers and writing about them."

"Favourite sport?"
"Wow,really? I should really see you run.Well,I like Quidditch.No,rephrase that.I LOVE Quidditch."
"What boy doesn't?"
"i heard that!"

"dream pet or current pet?"
"i dont have any pets,but it would be cool to have a phoenix like Dumbledore."
"I have none,too.But a Pygmy Puff would be really fun to have!"

"wizarding idol?"
"Newt Scamander."
"Luna Lovegood."
"awwww! I love you,Blaise!"

"favourite spell?"

"and my final question, birthday?"
"13th of February 1981."
" 3rd of September 1980."(i don't know his actual birthday so we'll go with this.)

"and my final,favourite subject?"
"Defence Against Dark Arts."
"Care Of Magical Creatures."

Blaise's POV:

"come on,lets go for a walk outside."I asked.
"alright!"Luna agreed.
"why don't we invite Dramione and Hinny,too?"
"sure.I'll knock on Draco's while you knock on Ginny's."

" may I help you,Mr.Zabini?"
Snape's portrait asked.
"i'm here to see Mr. And Ms. Malfoy.well,soon-to-be."I said
"wait here."Snape's Portrait said.

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