Trying to Find a Way

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"Ugh! I can't find anything. Wait. I found something." Renato said looking through Mateo's spell books.

"What did you find?" Naomi asked.

Renato read out loud, "It says that, 'When put in a sleeping spell you have to find the cause of this rebel. When you do he'll tell you how to break the spell. But, be warned that you'll have to break the spell before midnight."

"Oh no." Elena said.

"Don't worry," Renato reassured everyone, "All we have to do is ask Leonel how to break the spell."

"Ok. Let's go to the prison." Gabe said.

They soon entered the dungeons and soon saw Leonel out of his cloak and almost didn't recognize him.

"Who are you?" Gabe asked in shock.

"Your prisoner. Leonel?" Leonel said playing with his magic in his prison.

"Wait. He's the wizard who casted the spell on Mateo and Lucina?" Naomi asked.

"I am."

Gabe stared at him, " How? You're nothing but a kid. I almost thought...."

"I was an adult? The cloak can make me look like many things. Isn't that right?" Leonel asked his cloak and it gave a little nod.

"We're here to..." Elena was cut off by Leonel.

"Ask me how to break the spell on Mateo and Lucina. Or else they'll be asleep forever if you don't break the spell before midnight. Well, here's how you break the spell. Elena, how much do you care about Mateo? And his life?"

"I care about him. He's my friend. I would help him if he's ever in trouble." Elena said.

Leonel glared at Renato, "Good. And, Renato, how much do you care about...Lucina?"


"Ok. You can all leave. Please," Leonel mumbled, "Especially, you, Renato."

As they went upstairs Renato couldn't help but think about what Leonel said and how he acted around him, "Guys, did you notice how he's been acting around me?"

"Like how he wouldn't let you answer his own question? Or how he mumbled under his breath that he really wanted you to leave?" Naomi said.

"Exactly. He seemed a bit...jealous."

"Why would anyone be jealous of you?" Gabe asked.

"I don't know. I'll ask him later."

They soon made it upstairs and tried to figure out what Leonel's words meant. Meanwhile, Mateo and Lucina were soon deep into the dark forest....

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