Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It was finally time to depart. Tsuna was joined by his friends so that they can bid their goodbyes. Tsuna looked at Kyoko with a smile. The smile was full of sadness but he tried to contain that sadness for he did not want to see her cry once more.

“Good bye Kyoko, I was glad to have a chance to spend time with you. Even if it was short.” He said.

“I feel the same why” she replied. Tsuna glanced at Kyoko’s finger to see the ring he gave her gleaming in the sun. Tsuna hugged her. She was surprised by the sudden embrace but hugged him back.  When they finally, pulled away from their embrace they looked at each other. They could see the mutual feelings they had for each other. He moved closer once more. She leaned on his fore head and he pressed his lips on hers. Their hearts were beating fast but the sensation wasn’t something they despised. It was a goodbye.

She pulled the ring off her finger and gave it to Tsuna. They pulled away from the kiss. Tsuna looked at Kyoko wide-eyed but understood what it had meant. He leaned on her forehead again and kissed her. He pulled away and whispered. “Good bye Kyoko”

“Goodbye Tsuna-kun” she sad.

They knew had walked on different paths once again but the path Tsuna was taking wasn’t a road meant for Kyoko. Tsuna knew she deserved better. He understood that. Now they had said their goodbyes.

And now, this was for good.

5 years later…..

Kyoko looked at herself in the mirror. She was now wearing a beautiful white dress and her hair was tied up beautifully. Her friend, Haru, looked at her with an expression of admiration. “Wow Kyoko-chan you look really beautiful!” Haru smiled.

Kyoko gave her a rueful smile.

Haru looked at her with a worried expression. “Hahi? What’s wrong Kyoko-chan” she asked in concern.

“Oh it’s nothing” Kyoko answered.

She was about to be married to the person she loved but her heart still wanders somewhere off. Haru left the room and now Kyoko was all alone. She looked at her hand. It was bare. The ring was now with the ring bearer but she wondered if that ring was really meant for her. Why was she thinking such thoughts on her wedding day? She was remembering the past. The past which she left behind. The past which she treasured but still haunts her until today. She could never forget the boy who had made her experience the ups and downs of life. The boy who was too dangerous for her to be with. The boy whom she first loved.

She murmurs his name as she pressed her hand on her lips. She smiled once more and looked at herself in the mirror. The person she was about to be betrothed with, was someone she cared for and loved. She had to let go of the past.

She was now walking down the aisle. She sees her groom standing with his best man. He smiled at her and she smiled back. The groom was looking handsome and sleek in his white suit. Kyoko’s bouquet was beautiful but it could not overpower her beauty.

When she reached the alter they looked at each other for a moment and smiled. Minutes passed and they had finally come to their vows.

“Do you Kyoko Sasagawa take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the preist asked. She looked at her partner in front of her. The man she had been with for two years. The man she had come to love. Everything in her life flashed before her eyes. She looked at the church’s wide door. There stood the brown-haired and brown-eyed man she used to love. He was smiling at her. She looked startled to see him.

‘Tsuna-kun’ she thought.

‘Be happy Kyoko…’ a gust of wind blew and then the image faded.

Kyoko looked for the figure once more but he was no longer there. Tears were welling up in her eyes and she smiled once more. ‘Thank you’ she said in her mind.

She faced her partner and gave her answer.

“I do…..”

Tsuna was now outside the church. He held on his hand a diamond ring. It gleamed in the morning sun. He was supposed to give it to Kyoko months before but didn’t have the courage to do so, since he heard that she was engaged to someone else. He dropped the ring on the floor and left. He was on the verge of crying but held it in. He couldn’t stand staying any longer and so left on his motorbike. 

I love you, Goodbye [TsunaxKyoko] 2795Where stories live. Discover now