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Maya rushed to get ready, she had thirty minutes to get ready and that is a challenge for Maya. She dived into her closet.

She picked out a two piece, with nude heels and a nude bag

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She picked out a two piece, with nude heels and a nude bag. She put it on and rushed into her bathroom. She ran around her bathroom looking for things and saw her straighter beside the bath and picked it up.

"Maya" Stiles taught voice singsonged. "Yea?"
She asked him already knowing the question. "Are you ready?" He asked and Maya looked at herself "im only half done, and I only got back from the store so give me another ten minutes before I punch you in the face and we can't go at all!" Maya yelled and Stiles backed away.

Maya smirked and continued to do her hair. After she straightened her hair she did light makeup because she didn't have enough time.

She walked out of the door, and grabbed her heels out then on grabbed her bag and walked out of her room.

"I'm ready!" She yelled and walked down the stairs. Stiles sighed happily "great I'm starving" Noah came up behind him and hit him on the head.


"Be nice to your sister" Noah scolded his son who pouted. "Admit it you like Maya better!"

"I do not!"

"You do!"





"Guys we're going to get a noise complaint, now shut up and let's go" Maya said and grabbed the police car keys.

"Fine." Noah said and looked over at Stiles and pointed a finger at him. "This isn't over" he said and Stiles nodded his head.


"O! Come on, Stiles you remember that time that dad took us to the zoo!" Maya yelled excitedly, Stiles rolled his eye but nodded at his drunk sister.

"Yea" he said quietly, looking at his phone. He was texting Derek.

How's your sister?

Drunk, like she's
never this bad

When are you's going home?

Soon, because of Maya

I'll text you tonight
Love you

Love you too

"Stiles!" Stiles looked up at his dad and smiled sheepishly.  "Yea" Noah smiled softly at the both of his children "let's go home" he said and payed for the food.

"I-I'm sorry t-that I'm d-drunk" Maya hiccups as she walks to the car. Noah put his arms around his children.

He kissed their heads "it's ok, may-may. Now let's go home."


MamaMaya; ❤️ them

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MamaMaya; ❤️ them

(Tagged: StilesStilinski & PapaS)

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