T W E N T Y - T W O

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Maya sighed as she walked up to Lia's house, she hated herself for going out with Trevor. She didn't know that it had to come to this.

If she did. She would have never said yes to him.  But Maya was young and stupid and so she said yes.

After what had happened with her first boyfriend, Trevor was sweet and happy, until his best friend died.

He changed and it wasn't for the good. He started to abuse Maya. When it first started it was only a slap then it progressed into something more.

She thought her life was over, that she couldn't love again and if she did. She thought it was going to be with someone like Trevor or her first boyfriend Matthew.

Maya knocked on the door roughly. "Malia! We need to talk" she yelled though the door. She walked over to the window and saw the Lia was going to the door.

"Yes?" She asked and Maya looked at her and Lia knew what was coming.

"I know what you did!" She roared at Malia, she closed her eyes and opened them again a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"I-I don't-"

"You know exactly what I mean, you were with Isaac the night when my family went out! So you went out with him! And you cheated on me with the mutt."

"Maya don't do this" Malia cried out but Maya laughed. "Don't do what Lia?" She teased "I can't be with someone who is going to cheat on me again. Malia Tate I never want to see you again."

As she started to walk down the path she heard Lia call out.

"So that's it? I cheat on you one time and you break up with me?!" Maya turned back to Lia.

"Yes, I got cheated on many times and I can't risk it again."

Maya turned and opened her car. Tears flowed down as she made her way over to Derek's.

But she never got there.

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