T W E N T Y - N I N E

516 14 3

Maya woke up, she stretched out and sighed. She was back home, she then quickly got out of bed. Went downstairs.

"Stiles!" She yelled and hugged her other, she put her legs around his waist and her arm around his neck.

"I missed you so, so much" she said as Stiles kissed her on the side of her hair. As she got off her other she hugged Scott, Lydia, Kira, Derek and even Liam.

She walked over to Malia who was quite, she pecked her lips and went to make coffee. "What are we doing today?" She asked the pack who looked at each other.

"Umm, we're going to see Logan" Stiles said and Maya smiled "can I go with you's? Or are you's too cool for me?" She asked them as they laughed at her.

"Yea, you can." Maya smiled at them, "group hug!" Liam shouted and hugged Maya, everyone chucked at the beta but they did hug Maya.


It was around one and it was quite everyone went home after the movie. Malia stared to get second thoughts.

"Lia, what's wrong?" Maya asked her, Lia looked at the love of her life. "Nothing, everything is absolutely perfect" Malia said as they cuddle on her bed.

"Why are you so nervous?" Maya asked her, Lia raised an eyebrow. "Um, I'm nervous about asking you on how you turned into a werewolf."

Maya looked at Lia, she sighed and nodded her head. "Who knows?" Lia asked her, "well the pack, but I didn't know that you were in it" Lia nodded her head.

"It was on a Saturday, in New Orleans. I met a man called Jasper. Who I didn't know at the time asa a werewolf. I started to go places with him and his pack, then one night on a full moon I knew that they were talking about me but I never moved, he started to say 'I know what you are, do you know what I am?' I said 'no' at first it didn't make sense but then I thought harder and I realised it was a full moon."

"Then him and his pack shifted, they smirked before Jasper, who is the alpha of the pack, bit me. I woke up two day later with bite marks all around my body and they are no where to be seen. I was scared I have to admit, then I called Scott saying that I was changing into a werewolf. After one of the bites healed, he told me about any other alpha not to far away from me."

"I stayed with them for two years and now I'm back, when I met him he was my anchor but now Malia it's you."

Malia looked into Maya's eyes and pulled her closer, then she smashed their lips together. When they pulled apart they both smiled.

"I love you so much Maya and that's why I've been so nervous to do this." Then she got off the bed on Maya side, got the tiny little box and went down on one knee.

"I don't think I could live with you, breath without you Maya. We're mates not anchors and I wanted to ask you Maya Stilinski will you marry me?" She asked Maya who had one hand over her mouth in shock.

"Yes!" She screamed happily, Lia got up and Maya hugged her. Mali put the ring on her fingers "it's your mothers, your father wanted you to have it." Maya started to tear up, she hugged Malia.

"I need to go and see her alone" Malia nodded her head and kissed Maya's forehead.


Maya stared down at the grave. She smiled sadly "hey mom...I know I haven't seen you in a long time I just wanted to talk to you like old times. God so many things has happened over these few months, I met Malia, I fell in love with the Tate/Hale, I got kidnapped by my ex and now mother bear I'm getting married to the love of my life. I've had a ruff few years, I know that but my life now is perfect except your not here. God I wish you were here. I wish that you on my day will help me get ready, you and dad giving me away instead your here. I love you so, so much and so does Dad and Stiles."

She started crying, until a figure appears in front of her.

"I'm still here my sweet, sweet Maya" she heard her mothers voice. "I just want to hug you again and I want to tell you that I love you but your up there" she chocked out.

"I love you my dearest daughter and I'm sorry that I went away from you at such a short age. I really do love you and your brother, god and Noah. But you must no cry over me darling, because I'm in here." She pointed her ghostly finger at her heart.

Maya looked up to her, "I love you mom" she said, Claudia smiled "I love you too."

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