T W E N T Y - O N E

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"We need to talk" Maya's head turned to Lia, she raised an eyebrow and looked at her hands. "About what?" She asked and Lia sat back down beside Maya.

"That was Derek, and he said something about your past breakup" Maya looked at Lia and gasped.

"No, please don't freak-"

"He's back! Lia this is bad."

Lia moved closer to Maya. She smiled softly at the older girl. "I know but this is what Derek said we need to do."

"So if he's listening-"

"He will hear us fight and he will use you." Maya looked at Lia and smiled. "I'm sorry I never told you about him." Lia smiled back.

"Who is he?" Lia asked and Maya looked at her hands. "Trevor McGonal." Lia looked softly at Maya and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Let's do it tomorrow night, you come in here and roar at me."

"What about your dad?"

Malia laughed a bit and looked at the tv, which was still on. "I'll tell him what happened, look I don't care because I love you Maya, we're going to be fine."

Maya looked at the window. "I love you too, but he might try something so make sure that your dad knows because if this is Trevor we're talking about he will do absolutely anything to get his hands on me."

Lia growled and pulled Maya closer, Maya sat on her lap as Lia took on her scent. "No one touches what's mine."

She looked up at Maya, her blue eyes showing. Maya smiled "I'm yours and only yours Lia." She said and Malia smiled and pulled her in for a kiss.

Maya sighed as she stepped into her childhood home. She remembers everything that happened in this home.

The fights, the laughs, the sibling fights, the forts that we're build in the living room. She remembers everything and Maya doesn't want to forget it.

She grabbed her book filled with her childhood memories and started to write down a new one. But this one was a sad one.

The story of how her mother died. As she got lost in the writing she didn't hear Stiles who put a hand on her shoulder.

"We didn't have enough time with her." Maya choked out and cried. Stiles hugged her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"No we didn't, but don't cry she's up there watching over us. And she wouldn't like you to cry about her." Maya smiled as she pulled away.

"You are so strong Stiles and yet no one has ever told you, they might of told you how amazing or talented you are but you are the most strongest person I know Stiles and I admire that part about you I really do even when you get on my nerves sometimes."

The siblings hugged again that night. They told each other the stories that they had over the years when Maya was away.

They needed each other that night because they didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow or the week after that.

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