T W E N T Y - S I X

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Previously on Were-Cutie....

But she couldn't just charge in there, no Malia had to think smart. She had to think like Stiles. She saw Noah and waved at him.

He pointed to something behind her with his gun, a made expression on his face. Before Lia could even look behind her, he grabbed her by the neck by one arm.

And a gun to her head.


"Don't move sweetheart, if you even want to see Maya again." He whispered into her ear, Lia looked over at Noah who had his gun pointed at him.

He chuckled darkly at Noah, "come on old man, you still holding a grudge against me?" He asked Noah who didn't answer.

Malia thought of different possibilities of getting out of his hold. He tightened his grip on Malia's neck.

"Now, old man put down the gun or your future daughter-in-law won't be alive to see the day of her wedding!" He yelled at Noah.

Noah out the gun down, he held up his hands and gave Lia a small smile.

Before entering the house Noah handed Malia a gun. "I'm not-"

"I'm not taking any chances"  he said.

Malia smirked and slowly put her hand down to her side. She then grabbed the gun from her shorts waist band.

Lia then grabbed it and with the other arm, she elbowed him in the face. She grabbed his gun, when he fell down and smirked.

Noah moved closer to him You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law." Malia didn't hear anything else she bolted down  to the  basement and saw Maya.

Maya had blood all over her and she was chained up. Lia ran to her and got on her knees. "Malia, don't-"

"Shh I'm here" she whispered and lifted up her head, she saw that her eyes were glowing. "Your a wer-"

"Yes, I am, an I tell your the story tomorrow please? Right now I'm tired and want to go home with you."

Malia nodded her head and started to break the chains. "I love you Malia." She whispered, Lia smiled and helped her up.

She kissed the side of her head. "I love you too, but let's go home."

"Home, god I've missed home."

Malia laughed and so did Maya then she complained about her broken ribs and scolded Lia for making her laugh.


Malia smiled at Maya who was sleeping.

@Were_Cutie; the first thing Maya did when she got home was sleep

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@Were_Cutie; the first thing Maya did when she got home was sleep....guess I have to call her sleeping beauty now
[Tagged @MamaMaya]

@StilesStlilnski; how is she? @Were_Cutie

@Were_Cutie; tired and sore @StilesStilinki

@ScootMcCall; is he in jail?

@Lydia_Martin; of course he is! @ScootMcCall

@SourWolf; glad that she's ok @Were_Cutie

@Were_Cutie; me too Derek

@Lydia_Martin; Malia group chat now!!!

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