Hangovers Suck

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Jack's POV
I roll over with a moan. I feel Mark's warmth next to me.  I snuggle into his embrace. He wraps his arm around me and he kisses my forehead. After a few minutes I start to get that sucky hangover headache. I clutch my aching brain before getting up out of bed to the kitchen.  I look in the cabinet to find some ibuprofen for my head when I feel arms wrap around me. I smile as I look up to see Mark smiling at me. I winced at the pain in my ass after I started to move. I felt my stomach rumble. I sighed as I opened the fridge. I grabbed the pancakes we had a few days ago and placed them in the microwave.
After waiting for a minute for the pancakes to heat, I sat down next to a shirtless Mark on the couch. He kissed my cheek as he placed his warm arm around me. "What do you think your doing? Your gonna distract me from my pancakes!" I protested. He smirked and said "No I'm not! Besides, you belong in my arms anyway."  He said. I smirked and cut my pancakes so it would be easy to eat.

After eating I sat with Mark for a half an hour while my stomach started to get fussy. I felt that hangover puke sensation rising in my throat. I ran to the bathroom quickly to make it. I just let it go into the bowl as I felt Mark rub circles into my back.  After I stopped I flushed and brushed my teeth so my breath wouldn't smell like puke all day.

*time skip 3 weeks*

Still Jack's POV
I feel the pressure rising in my throat as I start to wake up. I rush out the bedroom door and into the bathroom where I spit my guts out. It always feel disgusting. Soon after reaching the bowl, I feel the familiar circles being rubbed in my back. I sat a little ways up, shivering from my last experience. Then my head went back in the bowl, whilst pouring more brown and orange goop into the abyss. I finally felt finished and stood up with Mark looking me in the eyes "Are you sure your ok? This "hangover" has been going on for three weeks. I think we need to see a doctor Jack."  I shook my head.
"No Mark. I'm fine. It's probably just a bug or something. Nothing to worry about. Ok?" I try while realizing it's not working. Mark looks at me with worry in his eyes.
"Jack, please, something wrong. It has to be more than a stomach bug. But I'll believe you for now ok? I'm just worried about you." he said before walking out the bathroom door. I sigh and brush my teeth. He's right.... This isn't normal.... I have to do something. I walk back out the bathroom door and walk into the living room.  Mark looks at me with sympathy as I sit down on the sofa. He comes over and hands me a plate of pancakes.
"Thanks Mark..." I say while thinking my choices through. I could wait until my next checkup with my doctor but that would be too far away to wait. I could... No... It's not possible.... But It's worth a shot...
I kiss Mark's cheek and finish a portion of the pancakes before getting up to place it on the counter.
"Hey Séan, about earlier..." I look to Mark with his guilty look on his face as I interrupted.
"Mark, it's fine. You have a right to be worried. But right now I have something I need to go pickup. " Mark smiled
"Wait, where are you going?" I look back at him.
"Walgreens. It's just a perscription. Ok?" he nodded as I said goodbye.

I look through the boxes of tests and I groan. "Why do they make so many? They are really all the same for the same purpose...." I look through them and find a box and grab it and head to the check out. Once at the deal the woman starred at me with a raised eyebrow. I start to sweat.
"So these for your girlfriend?"
I nervously nod. Lying is one way I hate for getting out of a situation but if needed, I'll use it. The lady smiles as she hands me the box back and I give her the 15$. I walk back out the door and get back in the car.

Once I get inside I see Mark in the kitchen reading a book.
"Hey Mark." I say. Trying to act natural. 
"Hey Jack." he replied with a smile on his face. He got up and walked over to me. I smile and I kiss him and head to the bathroom.  I open the box and I pull out the directions. Seriously?! 15 min. wait for a result? Suck a dick! I pull out the test and nervously open it. I look at the signs. 2 lines mean pregnant... 1 is a negative ok... Here goes....
*fifteen minutes later*
I'm holding this test shakily in my hands. Two pink lines stared me back in the face. I'm starting to freak out. I shove my fingers through my hair. I couldn't believe my eyes. Pregnant......

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