Felix's Dilemma

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*time skip 3 weeks*
Jack's POV
I open my eyes and I hear a small whisper gently tickle my ear.
"Hey. Wake up sleeping beauty." I turned to see Mark's smile in my face.
"Mark... What time is it?" I yawned.
"It's only 7:00 Jack. Relax. We have plenty of time before your appointment." I yawned again and turned back over and said sarcastically.
"Then Im going back to bed thank you." I curl up under the covers, being careful of my bump. Soon I feel a wave of temperature change as I feel the blanket being yanked off the bed. And more importantly, off of ME! I yank it back and he pulls against me. I knew he was stronger than me but I playfully sit up and kiss Mark while I remove his grip from the blanket as I hold his hands. I quickly move away and playfully cover myself in the blanket as if I was just a ball of blankets while holding the blanket tightly in my grip. I feel Mark's hands on my back and he starts to massage my back. I start to lust for more of him. I feel my grip loosening from the edge of the blanket and Mark stops and rips the blanket off and throws it under the bed.
"Aww.... But I was having fun! Especially since I've been vomit free for 2 weeks!" he smirked.
"Well I was coming to get you to come get breakfast before your pancakes get cold." I pulled his shirt closer and pressed his freakishly cold lips back into mine before slipping to the door and blowing another kiss before walking down the hall while holding my round stomach as I walked into the kitchen. I sniff the air and almost tip over from satisfaction. Chocolate and syrup was all I could smell. Usually syrup barely has a smell but thanks to my babies that's changed. I walk over to the pancake pan and grab a fork and stab a pancake. Ok I lied... I stab three... Hey! You try eating for four! I removed the chocolate goodness from my fork and I pour syrup all over the flat cakes. I use the same fork and walked over to the table and set my plate down. I wished my belly was big enough to be used as a table but they aren't growing that fast.
Once finished I feel a pair of hands wrap around me and hold my belly. I rolled my eyes and turned to him. His eyes looked full of love and lust at the same time. 
"What? Can't I get my breakfeast?" Mark giggled.  I shook my head before removing his hands and quickly racing to a seat before he could grab me again but he grabbed me before I could get in the seat and spun me around.
"For fuck sake! Put me down Mark!" I yell. Mark shakes his head no before lightly teasing my neck with his lips pressing lightly along my shoulderblades. I squirm from his arms and run into the living room before Mark runs in and tickles me.
*Laughs uncontrollably* 
"M-ma-mark! S-s-stop it!" I say inbetween laughs. Mark keeps tickling me as he says
"Why should I?" I turn over and say flatly
"Mark. Im pregnant. That means Im gonna have to pee a lot. Your tickling won't help."  he just smirks before tickling me again and kissing me and lifting me up and swinging my pregnant body back and forth.
"Trying to get early lessons Markimoo?" I say.
"Maybe. But I could also just want to play with my pregnant Jackaboy." he sassed. I rolled my eyes as I tried to free myself from his grip. He holds on tight and pulls me back in his arms and races me into the bedroom and lays me back down.
"What was that for?" I ask. First he played with me to get up and then over breakfast. I try again to get up but Mark kept me down.
"I changed my mind. Im gonna get your breakfast and bring it to you." he said as he kissed my forehead. I cooed. He walks out and I feel my phone buzz again. I pick it up and Felix's voice comes on from the other end in a panicked voice while I hear Marzia's voice screaming in the background.
"Jack! Please! I need your help!" while all I hear in the background is
"Felix don't you go fucking running to your friends for help!" shit... What has he gotten himself into now? I speak up so that my voice can be heard over the yelling in the background.
"FELIX! What is going on?"
"Jack! Please-OW! There is no time for ques-OW! Please just come to my place! I need your hel-OW! Please come quickly!" before the line hung up. I scramble out of the covers and I open me and Marks closet and rip a shirt off a hanger and find a loose pair of jeans to fit my ever growing bump and got changed quickly.
After I finish I rush out the bedroom door right as Mark was coming back with the pancakes I had left out in the kitchen.
"What's with the rush Jack?" he asked. Not knowing the terror I had for Felix.
"Felix is in trouble! We need to help!" I say as I run past and grab the car keys and run out the door.  I walk down the stairs right as Mark grabs the keys out of my fingers and leads me to the passenger seat before running back around and getting in the car and speeding down the neighborhood and down the main street. As he speeds down the road he turns to me and asks
"So what is so urgent with Felix that we have to skip breakfast?"  I looked him in the eyes and said
"Felix called me while you took so godamm long to grab one plate, he was hurting and he told me he needed help. Then I heard Marzia's voice screaming at him in a rage. We need to help him." Mark nodded and pressed his foot on the gas and we sped down the faded black road.

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