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*4 weeks later*
Mark's POV.
I'm sitting with Jack in my lap while we're watching One Punch Man. I've been trying to find a anime Jack likes and I finally succeeded. I look down to jack's 2 month baby bump and smile. I put my hands around him and on his large stomach. Pic above he looks up to me with a smile. I say with a smirk
"You two better be finished making your Daddy puke!" Jack laughs as his belly jiggles. I coo at how cute he looks. He's wearing my Markiplier Warfstash shirt to where it still shows his bump without making it too tight. I kiss his neck and around his collar bone. After Jack and I finished watching One Punch Man I got up and headed into the kitchen. I open the fridge and look inside. We barely have anything to eat because of Jack's cravings for the twins. I roll my eyes at my own thought before feeling a familiar touch of fingers around my neck. I close the fridge and see Jack staring at me with a sexy look in his eyes while he has his hand behind his back.
"What is it your hiding behind your back you sexy potato?" he rolls his eyes before remarking
"Well, I picked up some tickets to the circus for after my appointment today!" he said as he showed me the tickets. I smiled before frowning as I remembered...
I was holding my Mom's hand as she took me to the benches where we could watch the Barnum and Bailey Circus. I start to pull at my Mom's lime green sleave and exclaim
"Mommy! Mommy! Can I go see the funky clowns?" she nodded and I pulled her over to the stand. She sees the clown noses and buys one for me. I open it and pop it on my nose. After I do, a clown walks up to me with a bat and kneels down at my small stature and looks me in the eyes with his blue ones.
"Hey buddy! You wanna see something cool?" like any other kid would I nod like a maniac. He grins at my smile before saying
"Lights out kid." before smacking me with the bat. I fall back and I see my Mom's blurry worried face while the officers hand cuffed the guy. She asked me one question before my vision went black,
"Mark! Mark can you see me?" I slowly shake my head no before passing out.
Flashback end
I stare as I hear Jack's voice echo into the silence of my mind.
"Mark! Hello earth to Mark!" I shake my head as if to take myself from a trance.
"Mark! What's wrong?" Jack says.
"Dont worry. I'm fine." I respond while trying not to give anything away. Jack doesn't buy it. Damn...
"Mark! Please tell me! I can help!" I sigh before grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him in a kiss.
"Jack... I just have bad memories of the circus that's all..." he frowns.
"Oh... I can return them if you really dont want to." he says with sadness in his voice. I place my finger on his lips.
"Jack, come here," I say before guide him to the couch and instruct him to sit down.
"Jack, do you ever wonder why I have glasses?" he shakes his head.
"No, I just figured that it was just a problem you developed. Wait, is that not true?" I shook my head.
"Jack... When I was about 4 or 5 my Mom took me too that old Barnum and Bailey Circus and while I was there, this kid assulter hit me in the side of the head with a baseball bat while dressed as a clown for the circus. I lost my vision after that. I just cant stand those jerks." Jack gasps before saying,
"I didnt know... I'm so sorry! I'll go and return the tickets and we'll do something else I promise!" I respond.
"Jack, just because I had a bad experience with a clown doesn't mean I have to take the fun away from your experience. Besides, that crook went to jail years ago." Jack laughed as he kissed my cheek.
"If you say so Mark." he said with a smile. He looked down at his watch and says
"Shit! Mark! We have to leave or we'll be late." I nod before grabbing Jack's shoes andplacing them on his swollen feet and tie them before picking him up bridal style and carrying him out the door.

We walk in and I sit Jack down before setting up his ultrasound. I sit back down as I see Jack talking to his baby bump.
"You two are getting really big!" he says as he hears me giggle. Soon we hear Jack's name called. I help him up as we walk back into the ultrasound room.

Jack's POV
I lay on the medical bed with my head supported by a pillow as a nurse walks in. He looks in his thirties with no hair on his head.
"Hi! I'm Jeremy and I'll be doing your ultrasound. " I nod.

Again the warning with the cold gel before he places the remote on my underbelly. He searches around and shows us the screen.
"There's your babies!" I smile. But his expression turned to confusion as he said,
"Hm, that's odd..." I instantly start to worry about my babies. He looks at the screen before saying
"Everything is normal except..."
"Except what?" I ask nervously. He smiles before answering.
"Its quite alright but it seems we missed a baby with your last ultrasound. It seems to be that you conceived another! So I guess congratulations are in order!" I look at him. Missed a baby? Triplets?! I look to Mark who's sweating.
"Would you like to know the genders? They seem to have developed early." Jeremy says. I look to Mark and he nods. Jeremy smiles before moving the remote again.
"Well, this one is a girl," he says. I look to Mark.
"You hear that Mark? We're going to have a little princess!" I say before Jeremy continues.
"Well the other one next to your other girl is... ANOTHER girl!" he says. I laugh as Mark's face turns red. Jeremy finally says
"And the surprise baby is a... Boy! Congratulations! Your having two girls and a boy." I smile as Mark smirks.
"I guess you were a little excited Mark?" his face reddens up even brighter as I make my remark. But I really couldn't believe it, firstly we hear it's twins, then I conceive again. Who knew? I turn to Mark again and kiss him. He places his hands on my rounded bump after Jeremy wipes the gel away.
"Hey you three." he says while making sure I heard him say three. Jeremy says after Mark finishes,
"Well your finishing your first trimester so you should be almost finished with the morning sickness."
"THANK GOD!" I exclaim as Mark and Jeremy laugh. I thank Jeremy as Mark and I get ready to go. As we walk out the doors I say
"Mark can you believe it? Triplets! Especially the two girls." he laughs before opening the passenger side door for me. I get in before Mark closed it and I sigh. I am extremely tired. Mark laughs as I yawn.
"Eating for four is tiring huh?" I nod before letting my eyes close.

I wake up to Mark's tap on my shoulder.
"What? Are we home yet?" he shakes his head and says
"Circus. Remember?" I jump up and undo my seat belt in excitement.
"Why didn't you tell me that before? Come on!" I say as I walk as fast as I can to the other side of the car and open Mark's door and drag him out. He shuts the door before I take off with my hand still gripping his and I run. My baby bump jiggling. Once we get to the entrance Mark was stopping to catch his breath.
"Seriously, you had better start waddling soon... I can't keep up with a pregnant man!" I chuckle. We walk in and the splash of color explodes in my face. I grab Mark's hand as we walk through the crowd. Once through the clowns surrounded the guests with clown noses while they acted up as they always did. I look at Mark and see his face full of fear. I step up and kiss his lips before we walked past the clowns. I took him to our seats and smile in his direction. He looks at me and smiles while he still had the look of fear. I lay my head on his shoulder and I feel his lips rest upon my green hair. I giggle as he looks in my eyes.

Mark's POV
I kiss Jack's head before I hear him giggle. I look him in the eyes before I kiss his lips. I look over to the people next to us and I see a man and a woman holding hands. The woman looked 7 months pregnant. The man had yellow dyed hair while his partner had red. He bends over and kisses her lips before turning at my direction and looks in my eyes. He gasps.
"What?" I ask. He starts to sweat as he shakily pointing to Jack's bump. I shrug.
"So?" he responds
"I mean, your boyfriends pregnant? How so? I mean, carriers are like 0.001% chance of the population of guys. I'm just surprised that you managed to even get him pregnant." I growl. No one insults my baby potato ever! I look in his eyes with a look of hatred. Then I realize. This man, has that clowns eyes from so many years ago. The same smile, tone of voice, this was the clown who made me loose my majority of vision.

I slowly close my hand into a fist. Should I tell Jack? No, he deserves to have a good time. I'll deal with this myself. I grab the guy's neck without thinking and look into his eyes and say in a deep demonic voice
"Remember me you asshole?"

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