The Party Animals

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*play song when told*
Jack's POV
I hug him tight. I never wanted to let go. I let go anyway just to be brought into a kiss. Mark smiles at me with his own tears in his eyes. 
"But w-what if I don't make it? What if-" I start. Mark hushes my panicked voice and says
"I already told you. We'll make it together." I hug him again as I feel a kick. I smile.
"Wow, hormones must be at work because a second ago you were crying now your happy, hormones are a bitch..." Mark says with a smile. I roll my eyes before standing up and walking to our bedroom while Mark plays his own child-like games and makes grabby hands at me with a pouty lip. I roll my eyes before walking back over. His eyes lit up for a second before walking over to me and puts his arms around me. I hold him the same way and kiss him on the cheek before I try to walk back to the bedroom but fail to when Mark holds on tight. I tug but he holds firm.
"Mark! I have to get changed! If you don't let me I'll go naked!" I joke. He smirks.
"I wouldn't mind that at all..." he says. I lightly tap his cheek like I did with the triplets. He pouts before letting go. I turn around and walk to the bedroom door and walk in.
I pick out a shirt that says
"Irishman warning. Irish babies on board." I roll my eyes. I slip it over my chest and look through my jeans and finally find a pair and get changed.
I don't bother with buttoning my jeans because, hello! Im PREGNANT! Anyways... After I finish I walk across my creaking wooden floor before open the door to see Mark with his same old silly smirk on his face.
"What are you doing Mark? We need to get going." he stood still before lifting me off my feet and carrying me down to the car.
"Mark. Shoes." I say flatly as he passes my shoes. He backs up and picks up my sneakers which I have stretched out from my feet swelling. He runs down the stairs as I jumble around in his arms. He opens the passenger door and puts me in the seat and closes the door. When he gets in himself I ask
"Why couldn't I just walk down here myself? You know I can walk you asshole." I joke. He smiles and pats my head playfully. I growl.
"Oh Jackaboy, I just don't think you should have to walk when I can carry you thats all." I roll my eyes again before adding
"So are you going to tell me Im heavy? Trust me, I know. Ive gained at least 45 pounds! I was already told to gain at least 50!" I say. He shook his head.
"No, I was only going to say that you are surprisingly light. Have you been eating and drinking enough?" I nod. He nods also before I hear Felix's voice
"Well what are you bros waiting for? Lets get this show on the road!" I laugh as Mark smiles and backs out.

*time skip 30 minutes*
Once we finally get to the club, I was relieved. I had to pee REALLY bad and I felt as if I wouldnt take it anymore. I smile to Mark before running inside and running to the bathroom.

After finishing I ran back to the dance area and saw Felix jamming it out with a person in a white poker mask and brown hair. I smile. I guess Felix found his match. I look over across from them and see someone I wished I could never see again...
I scowled. The look of him despised me. He was smiling and talking to Vaughn, basically he was the body guard for Benny whenever we were together. I move quickly across the room as I hear a man speak
"Hello and welcome to karaoke night! Now we have a anxious young man you all may recognize, give it up, for Markiplier!" girls and a few of the guys in the crowd cheered.
"Thank you. I sing this song for my one and only." people coo around me. The music plays and I smile. Its the song he sang at our wedding... I tap my foot along with the music before the song lyrics started.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through

I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
That every long lost dream lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms

This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Yes it did

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
And others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know it's true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

And now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

That God blessed the broken road
Ooh, ooh
That led me straight to you...
He got off the stage and came over to me as fans screamed.
"God blessed the broken road, that led me straight to you." he kissed me after and I kiss him back.
"Oh Markimoo!" I say he smiles. Then I hear a snicker. Mark turns around to reveal Benny standing next to him.
"What happened Jackky? I thought you loved me... You left me for this damn fool? And now your fucking pregnant again! What did you do now to make yourself even more slutty of a man than you were?" Mark looks at me with anger and confusion. I feel tears build up in my eyes. I feel my fist balling up as Benny continued.
"What are you gonna do to me woman? What you gonna do impregnat me? Oh wait, your a carrier and Im not so save yourself the trouble and kill the useless trash you got in there before I do it for you!" that did it. I punched Benny's nose and punched his jaw up as blood spilt all over and ran down Benny's lips. He opened his eyes and saw me as a demonic look of insanity came over his eyes. He balled his fist before taking a swing. He hit my chest thankfully missing my bump. I feel my legs go numb from standing too long. I fall to the floor as my legs give out.
"Ha, I guess being pregnant again is wearing your body down Séan. You should really get an abortion." Benny continued. Mark seemed to get angrier at the second. He looked from Benny to me.
"Jack... Why didn't you tell me you had another kid! I thought we told each other EVERY THING!" I feel the tears fly as Benny hits me again. I shakily sit up only to be punched back again by Benny. All I heard from Vaughn was "slut." as he kicked me. I shakily say
"Mark... Please...." as Benny swings as my baby bump and hits. That ignighted a flame in Mark. He started to punch Benny over and over and blocked his punches. Finally he said
"NO ONE EVER MESSES WITH MY FAMILY!" as he punches Benny hard in the chest and picks me up and races me down to the parking lot and puts me in the car and locks the doors.
"What about Felix?"I ask.
"He disappeared with that Cry guy earlier. He said he'll come back on his own time. Right now we need to get out of here." I look behind the car to see Benny's evil smile in the back window. Mark backed up quickly before Benny was able to break the glass. Soon we sped off and left Benny in the dust.

As we sped down the road Mark growls and says in a dark voice
"Why didn't you tell me you had another baby Jack?" Vision in my eyes start to blur as tears well up. "Mark, it was supposed to be Benny's baby. It was when we were still together... But, before his daughter was born, he decided to rape me since I didn't want to have sex since I was so close to giving birth. After that I knew I needed to leave him before he hurt his own daughter. I raised that little girl for only two weeks before Benny came by after I came back from the hospital and shot her and then me. She was my first baby.... And that bastard took her away from me... Now that I have you and the three of these monsters, I just don't want it to happen again... Please forgive me... I've done wrong in too many ways there is right... I love you... But, if you want to separate... I'll do it if that's what you truly want..."  I put my face in my hands before I feel the car pull over and then Mark's warmth surrounded my shaking body.
"Shh... Its ok now.... Im never going to leave you... I don't want to separate. Why would I? Why would I divorce the man who I love with all my heart who is carrying our babies?" I smile halfly.  I sniffle. Mark's hand touches my bump and rubs up and down. I feel a small movement in my bump and I put my wet hand on my bare skin of my bump and do the same as Mark. Mark's red hair is messy from his running. I frown.
"Mark..." I say. Beginning to start. "Yes Jack?" he says.
"Did I ever tell you about the dream I had that day with that green flash?" he shook his head.
"No... Why?"
"Mark... It had Benny in it. He murdered a priest and you in a insane rampage. And I... I saw anti.... He said he would make me dissapear and that he would rake this world bow to his knees. I... I just think you needed to know."I look at him as I see the shock in his eyes.
"I never knew... Im so sorry Jack.. . Don't worry... Im here now... Nothing will hurt you now..."

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