
880 19 4

Jack's POV
I stare down at the results. This can't be happening... It's faulty.... I shouldn't tell Mark... It's not possible.  I tell myself before throwing the test in the trash. I walk out the door to see Mark looking at me with suspicion.
"What's going on Séan? You never hide things from me. Something's wrong. I can tell. Just tell me. It'll all be ok." I stare at my husband with tears in my eyes.
"No... Everything isn't gonna be ok! I'm not gonna be ok!" I sob. Mark's embrace wraps around me but I push away.
"No... Not now... It's all a dream this isn't possible..." I say under my breath.
"SÉAN! Please tell me what's wrong! I can't help if I don't know what I'm helping you with!" Mark says in a stern voice behind me. I look back and yell
"SHUT UP! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I run to our room and slam the door. I lock the knob and slide down the wooden frame. I hear Mark banging on the door while screaming to let him in. I start to sob. I place my face in my hands as the tears fell. Soon the banging stopped and all you could hear were my sobs. Mark's deep voice entered the silence and said
"Jack... Please... No matter what's wrong we can make through it together.  We've made it through rough things before, what makes that a difference now? I love you Jack... Please... Let me in..." I start to ease my fear. His caring and loving words start to ease my pain. I stand up and open the door shakily and fall into Mark's arms with the next sob. He held me in that tight embrace. He moved his fingers through my hair as he made me look at him.
"Séan... What's wrong?" he said again. The use of my real name gave me shivers. I look into his loving eyes and halfly smile.
"I-I-I m-might b-be p-p-pregnant but Im not s-sure y-y-yet." I say as stuttering gets the best of me.  Mark's eyes lit up in disbelief. I frowned. He smiled.
"Really?!" he asked. I nodded with the tears streaming down my face. 
"This is amazing!" Mark says. I look up at him with the same look of disbelief.
"What? I thought you'd leave me if you found out...." I asked. His eyes stayed focused on me.
"Why would I do that? Your giving me a family. Why would I leave the man I love the most?" 
He smiles at me.
"So your not mad?" I ask. Hoping I get the same answer.
"Hell no! Why should I be?" he finished as he kissed me. He bent down and waved at my stomach.
"Hi!" he said goofily. I laughed.
"Mark! I don't know for sure yet! Besides, they can't hear you!" he laughs. He pulls me into another kiss. I smile afterwards. I finally wasn't afraid of the impossible. I knew that no matter the result, I'll always have one person who will stay with me.

I wake up and the first thing that I do is rush to the bathroom. My liquids spill into the bowl again. The same circles rub in my back. I start to shiver as the final ounces of my guts were expelled from my body. I lift myself up gently as Mark helps me up as well. I smile at him before brushing my teeth to rid the flavor of puke out of my mouth.  I finish and check the time. 8:45 shit! I run back to our bed room and throw on a hoodie with a Septic Sam imprinted on it and some markiplier pants and slip on my socks and sneakers. I rush back out to the living room to see Mark sitting in his sweats on the sofa.
"What's the rush?" he asked.
I reply with "it's 8:45 Mark! We have ten minutes to be at the hospital for the appointment!"
"Shit! Your right!" he jumped off the sofa and opened the front door as he slipped his sneakers on before running down to the drivers seat and jumping in.

Once there the time was 3 minutes till they would have canceled. Mark held my hand as we walked inside. When we walked in Mark went up to the desk while he made me go sit down.
Once he came back a nurse called "Mr. Séan Fischbach?"
"Here." I said quickly.  Mark got up with me and walked down the hall.

I laid on the ultrasound bed as a nurse came in.
"Hello, my name is Jackie Goldenberg and I'll be doing your ultrasound." her voice was rough and country sounding. She pulled out the gel and gave her warning. "Just as a warning, it may get a bit cold." as she placed the remote onto my abdomen. I winced at the gel. Cold? A little fucking cold? Why not say hey we're gonna place a huge ass glacier on your stomach so it may freeze you till you get frost bite. She moved the screen so we could see. Mark held my hand as the nurse examined the area.
On the screen was two small black dots. The nurse looked at us with a smile on her face.
" It looks like your only 5 weeks along but also congratulations! Its twins!" she said. I look at Mark with a smile on my face. Twins... I was really pregnant and pregnant with twins. We're screwed.

One Chance (Septiplier Mpreg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें