Chapter 1: Eren And Levi

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"Okay I'll see you tomorrow" Levi, a short dark ravenette teenager nods to the boy of his dreams. Eren Jaeger. The two have been getting closer recently and Levi is keen to ask Eren out. However neither of them have decided to date yet.

He stares at the boy with gorgeously blue green eyes for a moment before nodding again. He wants to kiss Eren but he wont. Not yet. Instead he is pulled into a tight hug

Eren squeezes the smaller male feeling his heart leap into the skies as Levi brings Eren a warmth that can only be found with love. Much like the shorter male, Eren wishes to kiss him. Hold his hand. Take him down for a surprise. But he just hugs him and pulls away.

"Walk safely, Levi," Eren beams a toothy grin, saying the one thing he always says to the boy, wishing him safe passage.

"Bye" Levi then heads out of school and leaves for his home.

Eren however squeaks giddily then walks to the juice shop around the corner from their school. Thats where Mikasa Armin and him go to hang out and gossip wuth eachother. Mikasa and Armin are Erens best friends. Always have been since little kindergarten. Eren jumps into the vacant seat reserved for him and squeals in delight. "GUYS I HUGGED HIM AGAIN!" Eren gushed with his cheeks turning a bright pink. His friends roll their eyes. They are the ones that have to deal with the fanboying Eren.

Mikasa sips her strawberry smoothy and clicks her tongue "you hug him litterally every day" she monotones

"Ask him out already. Or get him to ask you out. You guys need to make it official!!!" Armin says.

"I will I will... maybe... soon... uh, I don't know," Eren says stealing Mikasa's smoothie and sipping it himself. "I'm not sure I should... what if he doesn't like me like that?"

The two of them stare at him in a silence that tells Eren that hes being stupid.

"Eren the two of you litterally send hearts!"

"Ya. And you've already told him you like him"

"You guys are getting in! What do you mean 'what if he doesnt like you'!?" Mikasa and Armin explode

"I... well I guess so..." Eren pouts in thought before finishing of Mikasa's smoothie and humming in thought with a small smile. "Ah, but what if he-"

"Shut up with the 'what if's'! There is no 'what if'." Mikasa groans.

"I dare you to call him! Right. Now and tell him that he gave you a boner when he hugged you today" Armin giggles and laughs "if you do I'll drink all of my milkshake at once and get a brainfreeze"

"Armin!" Eren gasps in shock and shakes his head furiously with a massive blush coating his face. "I-I can't say that!"

"Fine, I'll text him that for you then," Mikasa laughs, grabbing Eren's phone which the boy so stupidly left on the bench beside him.


"Call him or Mikasa will send an even more embrassing text, liiike. Levi I'm horny and naked come over, Baby winkyface!" Armin laughs hysterically making Eren growl and Mikasa call Levi and press speaker then smirks at Eren

"do it Eren! I'll clean your room for you if you do!" Mikasa encourages as the phone rings. "Levi likes men with clean roooommmss~~"

"Guys! No I-" Eren is cut off as the phone call gets picked up within the first two rings. Eren's face becomes bright red and hot. He picked up. Eren's friends look to Eren with wide smirks and hold the phone to Eren's lips.

"Hello? Eren? What do you want?" Levi speaks into the phone.

Eren's body is stricken in terror. 'Shit shit shit! I can't tell him that! Armin, Mikasa please!' He shows his best friends a pleading look. Begging them to let him go. But his friends are stubborn and only jab the phone into Eren's cheek to make him talk.

"U-um... oh uh... H-hey Levi," Eren stammers.

"Hey... are you alright? Why'd you call? Did something happen?"

"It's just I... I wanted to... t-to say..." Eren breathes out hesitantly as Armin and Mikasa gesture Eren to go on. "U-um... when we hugged today I... got a boner..."

"O-oh" the phone goes pretty quiet and armin and Mikasa stiffle their laughter "... same" he finally admits on the other side of the phone and Armin almost chokes.

Eren blinks shocked and covers his mouth. "Y...You did?!"

"Yeah... i couldn't help it. Your leg was up against me and everything. Listen is that all you wanted to tell me or-?"

"U-um yes I-"

Eren gets grabbed by Mikasa who pulls him in and whispers to repeat what they had originally wanted to text Levi. The boy instantly pushes her away and says no in a hushed tone. Somehow he gets convinced by Armin promising him that he will reward Eren with free lunch for the next month. Eren sighs heavily in embarrassment.

"I a-also wanted to say that... I I'm... ugh! BYE LEVI!" Eren hangs up quickly.

"Dude you totally just hung up on him..." Armin sighs "he's probably upset now you have to call him back and tell him you're horny" Armin only recives a glare "fine fine..." Armin sighs taking a selfie of himself on snapchat.

"Eren. I bought you a burger" Mikasa says taking out  burger then opeing it "this cheese is bad for you" she says taking it out and eating it. "And so are these meat patties" she eats them too. Infact Mikasa keeps going until its just bread and a peice of lettuce. She then passes it to Eren "eat"

Eren frowns. A deep scary angry frown. He takes his bread and stands up, munching on it. "I'm going home. And I will call Levi but not to tell him I'm horny! To apologise because my friends are jerks!" He huffs and storms out of the small cafe.

Armin and Mikasa only shrug and resume their food.


Eren gets home and slams the door then heads quickly upstairs to his room. He then dials Levis number and he picks up again


"Listen, I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to uh... make you uncomfortable." Eren says as he flops on his bed. "My friends. They made me-"

"I know" Levi monotones "i heared them giggling as soon as i picked up the phone"

"Oh... oh okay... then cool... so you didn't actually get a boner?"

"Nah" Levi snorts "i only said that so you wouldn't feel as awkward and embarrassed. Your friends would make more fun og me than they would you. I coulda though. I wouldn't mind you know. If you got a boner on me" Levi sighs

Eren blushes and buries his head into his pillow.  A whole bunch of muttering and gibberish comes from Eren as he flails about on his bed.
"Don't say that, Levi. It would be strange and weird if I got a boner!"

"Nah. I wouldn't mind. I'd probably just laugh at you. Then kiss you and watch you do that cute little blush thing you do when we hug"

"K-Kiss me, huh? Well that's if I don't kiss you first." Eren giggles.

"Oh please. As if you'd have the guts to kiss me first" Levi challenges.

"I do! I'll even kiss you tomorrow!" Eren declares and even stands up with his fist raised in determination. He earns a light chuckle from the male on the phone to him. He will do it. He will kiss Levi on the cheek tomorrow. He's so nervous, but he's going to do it and prove that he is no coward.

"Okay, Brat. Deal" Levi smirks "kiss me before i kiss you and prove it. I'll look forward to it"

"Right. I'll kiss you. I hope you... er... enjoy it." Eren says with a small gulp. He is going to kiss Levi Ackerman...

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