Chapter 11: The Sexual Approach

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The boy wanders in the halls looking everywhere about cautiously. His mind is all scrambled and he's overwhelmed with guilt that just seems to grow and grow. Eren reaches his locker safely and soundly. He breathes out relieved and even tries to smile.

'I'm alive.' Eren thinks. 'I'm greatfull I'm alive. It's not the end of the world. Things will be okay.' He chants in his mind, trying to soothe his stressed out self. He opens up the small storage compartment and begins emptying books into the shelves and getting ready for his maths class. Unfortunately that's with Levi. He'll just have to suck that up.

"Eren" Levis voice says sharply making the boy squeak in shock and drops his books everywhere.

Levi stares directly into Erens eyes not letting Eren look away either "Eren... please don't so this. I know you don't want nothing to do with me"

Eren slowly bends down to pick up his scattered work books. "I don't want to be trouble to you two." Eren mumbles quietly after picking everything up.

"Don't be stupid. You've come to far to back out now" Levi sighs "i know you hate messing with my family but they shouldn't be what matters, Eren. It should just me Me and You... not Rivaille. Not Kenny. Not your Mum. Us. All i want to do is be with you... Rivaille he... he just wants to be loved and I'm trying to help him find someone. He still likes you, Eren but he doesn't want to be with you anymore... but he is right when he tells me to not let you go. I don't want to let you go" Levi says picking up Erens books and putting them away. "I love you..."

Eren keeps his eyes on the ground. "I like you Levi... I like you alot... I don't if I love you but I suppose it's probable that I do... ha... so much I almost let you suck me off. No, wait. That was your brother. I raised his hopes so high only to crush him..." Eren sniffles and takes deep breaths. "I feel so bad... I feel like the only way I can atone for that is if I have none of you."

"You don't have to atone for anything!" Levi says desperatly "granted, Eren. You hurt him. But part of that is also his fault. You know that if you leave me you'll be hurting both of us? The way to atone for it isn't leaving me! The way to atone for it is apologize to him. Become friends with him or something. You told the both of us you want nothing to do with us, Eren...
That is what hurt. Over everything else... please stop being scared and just... god. Fall into my arms like you used to"

"Levi please..." Eren sniffs with a heavy breath. "Please... leave me alone for a while..."

"If i leave you alone you'll never speak to me again! I won't let you do that" Levi says holding Erens shoulders. He starts to shake slightly.

"Do I at least get thinking time?" Eren tries, seeing Levi's disheveled state makes Eren become panicked.

"I-i" Levi swallows "yeah but..." Levi doesnt let go of Eren "i just... i-"

"Let me think it out in my head... I assess things... Okay?" Eren sighs and pulls Levi into a hug. Depending on Eren's final decision, this could be the final hug they have and so Levi holds on tightly

"o-okay"Levi says shakily, Clutching Eren.

Eren breaks the hug away and then carries on towards class. The bell goes and Levi stands there, alone, In the halls.


The first class finally starts. Levi shows up a minute late and takes his place which is usually next to the Jaeger kid. Rivaille sits up front, drawing in every word that the maths teacher says. Erwin Smith has always been a very enthusiastic maths teacher and he isn't so boring that everyone falls asleep. He speaks with pride and a sense of righteousness. You'd almost think he's trying to convince you to join the army. Rivaille pays attention to the class but Levi and Eren are different. Levi has his eyes focused on Eren who has his eyes focusing on his hands. His hands that keep playing with themselves.  Stressed. Levi knows almost everything about Eren and he knows that when Eren is stressed about something, the boy will stare blankly into space, fiddle with his hands, and cutely bite his lip. All three signs which are on display. The twins have stressed Eren out, but now Eren feels even more stressed because he's so confused and unsure of what to do.

Levi knows Eren needs this thinking time. Eren should come around, right?
But it's the sort of person Eren is. The person that needs to be away for a few hours to nut it out in their heads before they see what they really want or what is truly right.

Although Levi understands it, he wishes that Eren could just fall into his arms and love him like he knows he does. Levi sighs and leans against the table, staring at the thinking Eren who looks as terrible ad he is.


"He said what?" Rivaille asks his brother as the two finally get home.

"He said he'll think about it" Levi says playing with the dark black strands of hair he was born with.

"How about you... are you alright?" Levi asks and Rivaille chuckles.

"Ah you dont just get over heart break but... I'll be fine..." Rivaille sighs "Ive been looking at a couple of guys i think are pretty hot" Rivaille smirks and Levi smirks back.

"Oh? Who?"

"Ah" Rivaille waves a hand to dismiss the subject. "That doesn't matter right now. I'm doing fine. But now you're not. So! Let's get you a boyfriend, huh?" Levi's twin nudges him with a suggestive smirk.

"That is if we haven't scared him off" Levi sighs and sits on the couch.

"Levi, gave some Faith, would ya?" Rivaille follows his actions. "Yknow... you could always try and take a different approach?"

"What kind of approach would you suggest?" He clicks his tongue at his twin brother

"A sexual one."

"Rivaille!" Levi growls in disaproval.

"Hear me out" the twin sways and Levi growls.

"Look I'm just saying that... let's see... You are always so precious and careful when it comes to Eren. I know that I was going too fast for him before... but now it's just you. Eren was willing to let me give him head because he thought... that I was you. Which means he would be willing to go the extra step with you, huh?" Rivaille goes on as Levi listens intently. "You've tried soft. You've tried pleading. How about now you try sexual? He may like it."

"But... but how would i even start to do that?" Levi holds himself "i can't be smooth like you" Levi bites his lip. "How am i supposed to give him... a rush"

"I think it's time that I show you how to be a smooth talker." Rivaille stands up and begins pacing slowly back and forth like a captain of an army."I, Rivaille Ackerman, will now put you, Levi, into an intense boot camp made souly to teach you the art of seduction. For the next ten hours, we will work hard, and there will no breaks at all! No sleep. No shits. No pisses!  Just seduction!"

"Eh!? But! I just had dinner!" Levi complains but Rivaille shakes his head .

"Only. Seduction"

Levi huffs out a breath "fine. Teach me"

Rivaille smirks an pats his brothers back. "we have much to learn."

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