Chapter 17: Dont Dog The Boys

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"Eren for the last time. I'm magical just except that you have an amazing boyfriend that can get you out of anything" Levi smirks sitting on the grass with Eren who hugs Levis chest while the two lay in the small back area, Levi proped up on hs bag.

"Magical. Yes very magical... I don't believe you though." Eren sighs and squeezes his chest. "I need to see Mr Smith anyway. I'm stuck on linear equations and I dont know what the fuck I'm doing."

"No!" Levi holds onto Eren "errr... just stay here and cuddle me?" He quickly recovers.

"Levi if I don't understand the maths I'll fail the class" Eren huffs and prys Levi's arms off. "I'll be right back."

"NO!" Levi grabs onto Erens legs "just wait until they're done"

"'Theyre'?" Eren tilts his head confused. "... Okay... well... I'm sure whatever 'they're' doing, they won't mind me asking a few questions" Eren nods and begins walking with Levi holding onto his legs.

"Eren you're dragging me through the dirt" Levi cringes "Stop! Stop dragging me through the dirt!" He says terrified for his own life.

"Let go of me then!" Eren shouts, determined to make it to that classroom. Levi only holds Erens legs tighter, bringing the brunette teen down to the earth with a loud thud. He then climbs ontop of his boyfriend and straddles him.

"I can't let you go in there"

"Why not?!" Eren asks.

"B-because... ITS CLASSIFIED!"

"THATS NOT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON!" Eren claws his way in the dirt towards the room, Levi's weight making it difficult.
Eren then rolls over, squashing Levi.

The raven boy grunts in pain but he holds tightly onto Eren "Dont go!"

"LET ME LEAVE!" Eren shouts, pushing all his weight onto Levi. Before he hauls himself up with Levi on his back. "Thats it! I'll just have to take you with me!" Eren yells and dashes to the room with Levi as his turtle shell.

"Eren please don't-" Levi trys to hold the classroom door closed but Eren pushes it.

The door swings harshly on its hinges smacking into the stopper against the wall on the otherside, and revealing the boys maths teacher... with Levis brother.

Eren instantly flushes red and backs out of the classroom slamming the door. Levi slides off his back and holds his shoulders.

"I didn't want you to see... he's my brother... i didnt want to dog him" Levi says revealing that he knew all along.

"..." Eren stares wide eyed at his boyfriend with his cheeks flushing a vibrant hit red "..." He quietly turns away and walks onwards as far away from the classroom as possible.

"Eren come back" Levi runs upto him and pushes him against the lockers.

"Are you alright? You can't tell anyone okay? This is my brothers choice and he really likes Mr Smith." Levi explains "please dont tell anyone. He needs me to help Support him. I need to have his back" Levi says softly "also... tell me you're okay too? It came as a shock when i found out aswell."

"That's just... That's... oh... my... God... THAT'S OUR MATHS TEACHER- MMMFF!" Eren's mouth is clamped shut by Levi's hand as he smacks his trap closed. He holds Eren's head to Shush him up before looking around for listeners.

"Rivaille is in love again, Eren... he may not know it yet but he loves Erwin. All he ever talks about is Erwin. And he pays so much attention in class.

Eren blinks unable to compute with the given information. "Mmf mff fff ffff f f fff m hmm!" Eren says aginst Levi's hand.

"Huh? What was that? you mumbled" Levi cocks his head to the side confused


Levi sighs "promise you wont scream? You understand I'm protecting my brother"

"MMF!" Eren shouts into the hand in defiance. Levi's hand is clammy and sweaty and provides a uncomfortable feeling up against his mouth. He tries prying the hand away but Levi keeps it there making Eren glare at him.

"Eren you're not going to tell anyone... no one..."

Eren glares before rolling his eyes before humming a hum of agreement. Levi slowly takes his hand away, watching Erens eyes carefully.

"..." Eren opens his mouth and it's immediately clamped. Eren frowns and rips that hand off. "I'm not going to scream!" He assures with. Huff. "You should have told me" Eren explains and cringes. "Then I wouldn't of had to see... that!"

"Its your fault... you didn't listen to me" Levi smirks "if you had just trusted me with your heart and soul this wouldn't have happened"


"SHHHHH!!!!" Levi snaps and covers Erens mouth again.

Its pulled off once more. "I have naked Erwin screwing your brother in my mind and I can't erase it!  I'm scarred!"

"Just think about me naked. That always seems to change your mind set pretty quickly. Remember when we had sex? Remember that?" Levi sways pressing himself up against Eren.

"U-uh..." Eren blushes and looks away. "Of course I remember that... come on Levi we're in school."

"Yeah but..." Levi looks down at Erens pants then back up at Eren with a smirk "Have i told you that i have dreams about it almost every night? I can still hear you moaning. Its such a glorious sound" he hums and hugs Erens torso.

"Levi!" Eren buries his head in his hands. His face not glowing red, an adorable sight that only makes Levi chuckle deeply.

"Come ooon. No ones around. Give me a kiss, Eren" Levi stands on his toes and looks into Erens eyes "please?" He says innocently before squeezing Erens butt and having the boy squeak. "Ah sorry did that hurt you, Baby?" He cooes and hugs Eren.

"You're meanie" Eren whimpers before burying his head into Levi's neck. "But I love you." He quickly kisses Levi and breaks away staring at his boyfriend with a sigh. His adorable, short,  perverted boyfriend.

"You... love me?" Levi blinks "you do? Really!?"

"Um. Yes? Why would I have sex with you if I didn't?" Eren asks.

"I... i just... i" Levi is suddenly a little red and stuttering "i didn't know you felt that way is all i-" his gase is directed to Erens eyes "I've never heared you say it... i love you too"

Eren chuckles and kisses Levi's forehead. "You're so cute when you want to be" he beams before linking their hands. "Come on. I need to sit you down somewhere so I can picture you naked."

Levi walks with his boyfriend out onto the feild of grass. Just them the grass and the sun and then Eren begins to imagine. His cheeks lighting up a bright red.

Levi thinks its adorable

Eren just looks over Levi's clothed body but seeing his bare skin. It's not long that Levi begins doing poses making Eren blush more.

The boy falls atop of Levi and cuddles him. Done looking At Levi's body and now softly caressing him.

"Levi, I love you. And I guess we'll get married. Have 33 babies."

Levi nods and hugs him "we'll see, Brat"

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