Chapter 16: I Guess You Could Say

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Tilly/N1: Im not even sorry for the photo 😂😂 look at them all falling HAHAHA

Eren turns to face Levi and he wraps his arms around Levi's body, sinking his lips into his, and clinging to him as he catches his breath.

"... We just had sex..." Eren pants. Levi nods in agreement, catching his own breath.

"I mean... your... it was inside me."

Again Levi nods.

"We're gonna do it again. Definitely gonna do it again."

"Ya" Levi pants with a chuckle and kisses Erens cheek gently. He wraps his arms around Eren and burries his face in his hair "i love you so much" he says as the door swings open and pictures are taken of the two boys laying together. Thankfully covered by a blanket.

Eren groans and buries his head into Levi's chest, under the blankets. "Mother... before I lose all respect for you... GET OUT!"

"AWWW!!" Carla hums. "I remember my first gay sex..."


"Oh gees" Levi looks away totally mortified and Carla belts out laughter.

"These are coming out on your 21st, Ereypoo. And when you and Levi get married you-"
"Mum we only just had sex! We don't know if we're getting married yet!" Eren huffs. Levi disagrees.

"Oh no, Eren were definitely getting married. I'm going to make you wear a dress and everything" Levi hums and rubs his cheek against Erens.

"Then you can ruin it on your wedding night." Carla shouts happily.

Eren blushes and sinks even lower into the blankets.

"OOOO you sucking anything down there...?" Eren's mother asks causing Eren to shout out at his mother in flushed embarrassment.

"Eren you're so cute" Levi says pulling him above the blankets and touching their noses. He then glances to Carla then back to his boyfriend, brushing some messy hair back behind his ear "I'm so lucky to have you in my arms, Eren... and to think i almost lost you"

Eren blinks gently and hugs Levi tightly. Before he says anything however Carla bursts into tears.

"That was so beautiful!!!" She sniffs "Levi? Honey would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Only if you'll have me" Levi nods and Carla walks out of the room in hysterical tears making Eren shake his head in embarrassment before looking back at Levi.

"how the hell did I end up with a gay loving mother..." Eren sighs before shifting his body so he's lying on Levi's chest.

"Who cares? It's awesome" Levi chuckles and sighs gently. He ment what he said about being greatful for Eren. If he didn't go after him he wouldn't be holding him now.

It's at times like these Levi is thankful for his brother. His brother who told Levi to run and keep hold of Eren. And now that he has, he gave Eren the purest thing he had. His virginity. Sealing their love.

Levi calls out to Eren, telling the boy how much he loves him. He tells Eren all these wonderful things. Only to realise that the boy is snoozing on Levi's chest, tired from the activity that previously went on. Pooped. Exhausted. Drained. Sleeping like a little baby angel.

Levi only hums at the sleepy boy before kissing his head and cuddling him. Also drifting off to sleep.


"And so. The outliers are 3 and 78" Erwin explains. Levi sits beside Eren drawing hearts on his hand with pen and Rivaille sits staring at Erwin. Occasionally the two will exchange heart filled glances. Eren has no idea that Rivaille has a thing for the maths teacher. Not that he would even notice his eyes are staring at the new note Levi had passed him.
Eren writes one back.

'You're gonna get in trouble if you keep writing to me'
it says.

'Trust me i wont ;)'
Levi passes another note. Erwin even sees it and pretends that he can't, Eren picks that up as well.

'Levi... whats going on?'
Eren asks, sliding the paper back over.

"Jaeger. Detention." Erwin calls.

Levi huffs in annoyance and glances to Erwin "sir that was my fault. Don't give Eren detention he was only telling me to pay attention" Levi frowns and looks apologetically to his boyfriend.

"...Of course. Very well then. Good job Jaeger. Gold star." Erwin says glancing away from them.

Eren blinks and looks to Levi. The boy only scribbles down something else and passes it back to Eren.

'I guess you could say that your boyfriend is just that amazing ;)'
It says. Eren rolls his eyes and Levi smirks.

Eren doesn't answer the message. He's becoming suspicious of Levi he needs to find out what the hell is happening.

A paper ball is thrown at Erens head and Jean smirks from the back row.

Eren opens it. Its a picture of two stick figures. One being fucked up the ass with a line and arrow pointing to it that says 'gayger'

Eren rolls his eyes and draws a quick sketch then screws it up in a ball and piffs it at Jeans head. It hits the horse hard and he makes a loud whinnie in pain before glaring and opening it to a disgustingly graphic picture of a horse and an angel making out. An angel with freckles. Jean looks to his best friend Marco who sits beside him and glares. Jean isn't gay but that doesnt stop the whole school shipping him with his best friend.

Eren then smirks at Jean in a cocky way and sits back in his chair, relaxing after dealing with that minor issue.

"Alright... the bells about to go so pack up and-" Erwin doesn't need to say much. Immediately the class packs up their things hurriedly and dashes out the door. Besides Rivaille who stays and smiles dreamily at his maths teacher

"Rivaille... go off to recess" Erwin says as the door swings closed.

Rivaille smirks at his teacher "Dont pretend like that isnt the one thing you want me to not do" He says and walks over to his teacher, stands on the table and looks down at him. "Look at me I'm all tall and shit" Rivaille smirks and Erwin holds him around the waist.

Rivaille smiles warmly at his lover and bends over to plant a kiss on his lips tenderly before breaking away and jumping into his arms with his legs either side Erwins hips and his arms on his shoulders.

"Wanna go a round on the teachers desk?" Erwin smirks and Rivaille nods enthusiastically.

Identical Mishaps (ERERI FANFICTION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora