8-Signed Anonymous

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The next few days Castello and I enjoyed our mornings sharing breakfast in bed, our evenings showering each other in affection at the defeat of Tyson and joy of Jill, and our nights tangled up together in the hotel sheets. I'd extended my time in the room, and Castello was now staying with me. We both agreed it would give us the privacy we needed in bed together, and spare Tyson of any unwanted noises.

He'd finally started to come around to the way things were whether he liked it or not. I'd also gotten a good glimpse into the type of friendship he had with Cas. They were alcoholics if I'd ever seen one, never empty handed. Tysons poison was Gin and Castellos was whiskey.

Every evening together they drank at a leisure pace, enjoying the company of the liquor and time with their women. They shared stories about their time together as kids growing up, and all the crazy shit they used to do to get into trouble. Castello had always been a trouble maker, I found out with great happiness. It left him with many interesting stories to tell late at night when we couldn't sleep and weren't sure what to talk about.

We'd opened up to each other completely this time, and learnt nearly everything there was to learn about one another. It was refreshing to find out we had a lot more in common than originally thought, as well as just enough differences to keep the evenings eventful with light banter.

Where I was orphaned when my parents passed away he was orphaned as a baby, left at the doorstep of a small orphanage in Italy for the women working to find him wrapped up in a blanket. He spent his whole childhood and teenage years in the orphanage, leaving him to fend on his own on his eighteenth birthday. It hadn't been too bad, though. He'd gotten permission from the head mistress to work since he'd been sixteen, so he had more than enough money to support himself in a cheap two-bedroom villa right around the corner from his work that he shared with Tyson.

They'd met at the young age of four when Tyson was taken from his abusive home life. Neither one of them were lucky enough to find someone who wanted them, so they stuck together through it all. They worked separate jobs, because they both knew it would be nearly impossible to work together and get the job done. Sparing themselves the trouble of that meant they were able to live somewhat of a carefree lifestyle in their little bachelor pad.

Life was easy for them, but Castello felt he wasn't going anywhere in life as Tyson fell in love with a beautiful woman; he knew what he wanted. He wanted to see the world. So he enlisted in the army, and that's where he'd been up until the last year when he retired at the young age of 34. Now, a year later here he was at my side, and reconnected with old friends.

"So, you had fun today?" He was talking about our dinner date on Isabella-papas boat.

Giggling, I rolled over to straddle his waist. "Some parts were more fun than others." Leaning down I nipped at his ear lobe, nearly shivering at the growl he sent into the skin of my throat.

"You are insatiable, mia bella." Just as he leaned up to kiss me a knock at the motel door interrupted us. Jumping up from the bed I slid his shirt on, shaking my head when he asked me if I was expecting company.

"Ms. Moreti?" A young man stood at my door with a large bouquet of roses in hand. By the name tag on his shirt I could only assume someone ordered the flowers to be delivered.

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