Chapter 1:Suspended

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    Have you ever felt like you are being watched? Like, at this exact moment you are reading this, a pair of eyes are set on you, watching, observing.

    Elsa clutched the white file as she strutted down the quiet hall. Her braided, platinum blonde hair bounced on her shoulder as she walked. Her eyes set on the target, a brown door with a gold handle. Elsa took a deep breath and gently lay her pale hand on the cold, gold metal. It was a known fact that Elsa was a calm and reserved young woman, she has never felt this nervous. She walked in the room, only to be met by silence. Anxiety entered her body as her teammates stared at her. Elsa wanted to scream, she wanted to run out of the room and never face her friends ever again.

    "What did Walt say?"Rapunzel asked, her green eyes widened in curiosity. Merida and Anna nodded their heads. The three were sitting on their respective chairs, each a different color. Purple, red, blue, and green. Each representing their personalities. Elsa sighed and sat on the blue couch, she slapped the white file onto the table in front of them. She rubbed her temples, she felt the urge to cry, but held it back. The three stared at the file, anxiety filling every nerve in their body. Merida grabbed the file and opened it. Big, bold letters were on the paper.

    "We failed?"Merida's Scottish accent filled the room as her face scrunched up in confusion.

    "How could we possibly fail?"Rapunzel exclaimed as she grabbed the file. Her eyes scanned the paper, looking for anything that could prove that they didn't fail.

    "We are the best team in the agency. There must be a mistake,"Anna jumped off her couch and walked over to Rapunzel to read the paper. The two frantically searched for any evidence of them not failing.

    "There was no mistake."Elsa said, looking at the girls. "Walt said that the person we caught was innocent. The person is now demanding Walt for our team to be suspended after all the 'trauma' we inflicted on him. They're transferring the case to another agency."

    "Such a drama queen."Merida muttered, rolling her blue eyes. "Which agency did they transfer the case to?"

    "I don't know, but Walt assured me that the case went to the other agency's most trusted team."Elsa said. "Until then, we're suspended."

    "How long is our suspension?" Rapunzel asked setting the file back onto the brown coffee table.

    "Two months."Elsa sighed

    "That long for imprisoning a person for 3 days?"Anna huffed as she collapsed onto her armchair. "I would understand if he slept on the cold cellar floor, ate little to nothing and was tortured."she continued

    "But he wasn't!"Merida complained in frustration.

    "Calm down, guys! This suspension is an opportunity!"Rapunzel exclaimed as she got up from her couch and walked in front of the girls.

    "How is this an opportunity? We've been suspended for two months!"Merida argued.

    "We could take this time as an opportunity to rest, to relax, you know?"Rapunzel explained

    "That's not a bad idea!"Anna said looking at Elsa who looked away. "Come on! We have two months to do nothing!"Anna continued as she got up and stood beside Rapunzel.

    "We work all the time!"Rapunzel said. "We can take these two months to do whatever we want."

    Merida rolled her eyes and huffed, the red curl the hung on her face blew up and landed back on her forehead.

    "Come on, Mer-"

    "Don't call me that"

    "-I know how much you've been wanting to practice your beloved archery."Anna said, trying to convince the remaining two spies who wasn't too happy about the rest.

    "I didn't get to practice archery for weeks because of the investigation." Merida looked at Elsa who looked away again.

    "I know someone who wants to catch up on their reading." Rapunzel sang.

    Elsa looked at her teammates who were all staring at her. Elsa was the eldest and the most responsible, they turn to her when making decisions.

    "Fine,"Elsa sighed, giving up "I guess we could take a break. We deserve it."

    "YES!"Rapunzel exclaimed, jumping up and down.

    "Let's go to the park tomorrow."Anna suggested, she looked at Elsa. Her turquoise blue eyes stared at her sister, a pleading expression plastered on her face. Elsa gave her a look.

    "There's a chocolate store by the par-"

    "Okay, I'm in."Elsa interrupted, a huge smile on her face . Everyone who knows Elsa is that she loved chocolate and would kill a man or woman for it.

    The girls laughed and they all lay on their armchairs. At the end of the night, they were all covered in blankets and held empty mugs that were previously filled with chocolate milk. Anna got up from her couch and looked at her best friends, who were all fast asleep, and smiled. She got all their mugs and placed it in their kitchen. The agency was their home, they spent every minute in there ever since they were little. She walked back to the living room and lay on her armchair, pulling the blanket over her small body. Her eyes began to close and her breathing slowed. She fell asleep. Unaware of the pair of eyes watching their every move.

    As I've said, if you do feel like someone's behind you, watching, better look before it's too late.

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