Chapter 17: Real Clichés

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Jack hated this mission with all his being. As he scanned the file, he could already feel the tension.

"This is rather—"Elsa coughed, "—odd."

"Indeed it is."Amblin nodded from the computer screen. The two agents were currently discussing the mission with Amblin via video chat as he transmitted the invitation file to them.

"Lady Tremaine's Love Ball is extremely complicated. Walt and I have been invited several times; however, after the first time, we never came back."Amblin stated, "Though, we still receive yearly invitations."

"Amblin?"Jack asked

"Yes, Jack?"

"I don't get it."He confesses.

"Don't get what?"Amblin raised an eyebrow, "The process?"

"Sort of. It's more on the whole deal with the Love Ball thing. What's its purpose?"

Amblin took a deep breath and began his explanation, "Lady Tremaine's Love Ball is basically a ploy to get Lady Tremaine's daughters a match. However, aside from that, Lady Tremaine loves playing match maker as well. You will be paired with another guest depending on your appearance, rather shallow, but that's just how it is."

"Oh."Elsa muttered, "Do we have to be paired with someone?"

"I am afraid that it is necessary."Amblin sighed, "Walt and I will be handing you two our invitations so you could enter. You better start getting ready, it's almost six."

Amblin's black hair covered his eyes as he looked down at his watch. He then looked back up at Jack and Elsa and grinned, "Good luck, agents. Oh! And one thing!"

"What?"Elsa tilted her head in curiosity.

"Don't wear hats. I made that mistake once."Amblin visibly shuddered at the thought.

"Okay?"Jack squinted his eyes in suspicion and was rather weirded out on all the fuss about hats.

"Good luck!"Amblin waved

Jack looked at Elsa a minute after the screen turned black and nodded at her, "We have to be there by six."

"Hopefully, I don't get paired with someone weird."

"Hey,"Jack chuckled, "If you're uncomfortable, I could threaten whoever it is and be your partner."

Elsa playfully rolled her eyes, "Sure."

Jack's smile faltered into a hard face, "No, really, I'm serious."

The girl's face distorted into confusion and her lips twitch as she tried not to smile, "Uh huh. Okay. I have to get to my room now, we better get ready before we're late." Elsa jogged up the stairs, Jack following behind her. The two separated in the halls and burst into their own rooms, diving for their own closets.

After a good thirty minutes-it was currently 5:24-Jack was already outside his door, waiting for Elsa. His eyes were trained to a game that he was playing on his phone. It was no secret that Jack was attractive, he was dashing. The agent leaned on his left arm against the wall beside Elsa's door frame, his right hand tucked into the pocket of his black trousers, causing his jacket's flaps to wrinkle over his hand. His shiny, black, dress shoe tapped impatiently on the floor as he constantly adjusted his black suit jacket in nervousness. He tried his best to loosen his midnight blue tie without it being too noticeable against his white undershirt. He wanted to look presentable for the ball and for Elsa, of course.

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