Chapter 14.5: Adventures with Rapunzel: The Midnight Match

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Rapunzel clutched the gps tracker as she stared at the blinking, red dot. It was frozen in a certain spot, in a small building near the outskirts of their city. Starting up her motorcycle, she clipped the gps tracker to the center, so she could keep watch of him.

"It might be his secret hideout."She mutters to herself as the motorcycle zooms through the busy streets. As the light turned red, Rapunzel rolls her eyes and stares at the gps tracker in anticipation.

Eyes were drawn to the female in a leather spy suit and a trench coat, driving a purple motorcycle with a matching purple helmet.

"Who is she?"A teenager asked his boyfriend, who sat in shotgun of his car. His fingers tapped the steering wheel as the man beside him let out a shirt squeal.

"I love what she's wearing!"He exclaimed, grabbing his phone and snapping a picture. Her frantically typed a short caption and uploaded it into his Snapchat.

"Green." Rapunzel beams and her motorcycle vamoosed. The cars, people, and buildings lessened and she was driving by a dirt road. It was dark, empty, and Rapunzel was nervous—really nervous. Her green eyes widened in excitement and dread as a building came into view.

"If anyone pops out and grabs me,—"She mutters to herself as she pulls out a small circular glass object and placing one in her left eye. "—I'm going to murder." Rapunzel grabs her gun from her holster and loads the weapon. "This night vision lens Hiccup made better work."

Giving a glance at her motorcycle to make sure that it was well hidden, she walked into the building. The rusty door squeaked open and she pushed away a few shoes that hung in front on a wire.

"Drug dealers."Rapunzel mutters to herself, closing her right eye. She slowly walks in, crouched down, her gun in one hand, ready to fire.

The building creaked and the fear increased in Rapunzel. The DPA badge under her trench coat gleamed under the minimal light. Her nose began to twitch and she scrunched it up, trying her best to keep the sneeze in. Dust was everywhere and cobwebs filled every corner. Rapunzel move her eyes from side to side, observing the old furniture. It seemed like it was an office or at least a clinic, judging by the large counter table against the wall, a few couches and chairs, a glass table in the center with outdated magazines, and a small dozen of faux plants on the corners.

A rush of tingles came through Rapunzel's body and something felt...wrong. She squinted her left eye, trying to adjust to her green vision.

Rapunzel lifts her hand to check the small gps tracker that was in her watch. The red dot still remained.

"He's still here."She whispers to herself.

"Who's here?"An unfamiliar laugh came from behind her and Rapunzel's green eyes widened. She whipped around to shoot, but her gun was knocked off her hand. She looked at the culprit and came face to face with a large man with slicked back, black hair and striking blue eyes that were filled with mischief.

"Gaston."She hissed.

He crossed his arms and his mouth stretched into a smirk, "That would be me."

Her hand slowly slipped inside her tench coat, resting on her belt. This went unnoticed by Gaston as they continued to stare at each other. Rapunzel's eyebrows then knitted together, she was confused as his smirk turned into a grin.

Suddenly, a rage of pain surged through her body, coming from her head. Her other hand slowly made it's way to her hair, where she felt a bruise and her eyes began to flutter close. She dropped to her knees and knocked out.

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