Chapter 14: I Don't Know

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Cold. So cold. I really want hot chocolate,

    Blue eyes snapped open, they moved side to side, scanning the enclosed room. The walls white and clean and there was a door that she knew was locked shut. It felt like she was in a hospital. With her hand, she lifted herself up and got on her knees. 

    "Where am I?"She rubs her sleep-filled eyes.

    "Oh yeah."Anna slumps, "I'm kidnapped."

    She remembered vividly that moment. She was about to find out what was in the box until a white gloved-hand came in front of her face with a piece of cloth. She remembered not being able to breath as it was pressed against her mouth and nose. She felt so stupid! She was a spy! They had training for situations like this, but she was too weak and they were too strong.

    A knock then came at the door, three consecutive knocks, interrupting her train of thought.

    "It's meal time."Anna sighed. She didn't know if it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She didn't know what time it was. There were no windows, there were no clocks. All that was in the room was a mattress, a water dispenser with cups, a toilet, a vanity with some hair brushes (which she hasn't used yet), and a laptop.

    On her first day, Anna tried to message her friends via Facebook, but she soon found out that the laptop only had access to sites that didn't focus on communication. She could watch videos, but wasn't allowed to comment or communicate with anyone. It was as if whoever kidnapped her was teasing her. Sure, she could message someone through hacking the laptop, since she was a technology specialty. Well, she tried. It didn't work. Whoever captured her must be extremely smart to outwit her technology training. Anna felt shame flow through her body whenever her eyes landed on that blasted piece of technology.

    A dog flap near the bottom of the door creaked opened. Anna slowly crawled towards it. She has always been asleep when they give her her meals. If she sees their hand, maybe she could find out who it was. Anna prayed that they weren't wearing gloves or using anything that prevents her from seeing their hands.

    Suddenly, a small and lithe hand held a plate of food which carefully dropped on the floor with a soft clang. Anna's eyebrows rose in interest. The hand looked—no, they were feminine.

    "So,"Eugene began as Jack and Elsa burst into the room, in their uniforms. "Where were you two the whole morning? You both skipped breakfast and it's almost lunch."

    "Couldn't sleep last night, so woke Elsa up and we reviewed the Belle case."Jack explains plopping onto the couch.

    "That's all you did?"Rapunzel grinned in a teasing manner.

    Jack glared at her while Elsa flushed red muttering a "Yes."

    "Are you sure? I heard a loud thud downstairs."Eugene chuckles.

    "Nah, that was me."Hiccup shrugged, "I knocked the dining chair over."

    "Doesn't mean they didn't."Eugene says, punching Jack's shoulder.

    "Ugh, you guys are so gross."Kristoff rolls his brown eyes at his friends' immaturity. "Anyways, your sexual desires aside, what did you find?"

    "For the record, there were no desires whatsoever."Elsa says.

    "Yeah—wait what?"Jack looks at Elsa, a baffled look crossed his pale face.

    "No desires whatsoever."She repeated for him.

    "I swear there was something between us, Elsa."Jack mockingly confessed, "I can't believe that you don't feel the same! After everything we've done together!"

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